Chapter 6

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You're getting ready for today's event that Bill told you before.

You are wearing a pink v-neck shirt, a short black pants, and a white sneaker. You also bring a mini backpack with you. Inside the mini backpack you bring a waterbottle, wallet, hat, umbrella, and a snack.

Bill is wearing a yellow shirt with a dark blue jacket, black long pants, and a grey shoe.

--time skip--

You and Bill walking together. Suddenly, He grab and hold your hand. You blush lightly. But you didn't say anything to him, you just smiled shyly to him.

You two arrived at the town and see the carnival. Then you get inside the carnival.

There is many mini games and rides for you to try. "What do you wanna try first?" Bill asked you. "I WANT TO TRY ALL OF THEM!" You said excitingly.

Then you saw a fluffy white seal doll hanged inside a game booth. You get interested, and go to the booth. The game is 'shot me!', it's a shooting game the player shot a doll using a little gun, if the doll is fall then it's yours, but you only have 3 shots. "One ticket  please!" you said, and you give the money to the man. You take the gun(fake gun), and point it to the big fluffy doll you want. Then you pull the trigger. 'DORRR' The bullet hit the doll, but the doll stays put on it place. 'DORR' 'DORRR' the doll shaking a little bit, but... still on its place. 'ARGGHH WHY DOLL?? WHY??!' you mumble to yourself. "One more ticket-" "Darling~ let me do it for you" Bill cut your words. "One ticket please sir, thankyou." Bill said. His face smirk evily. His pointing the gun at the doll and... 'DORR DORR DORR' And the doll... Fall. 'Woahhh...' you amazed and blush. "Here's the doll" the man give the doll to Bill, then he gave it to you. You took it from Bill with shyly and you flirt.  "aww thankyou~" you said sweetly. Bill nodded.

You two then walking to see around while you carry the fluffy doll in one hand, Bill holds your hand once again.

Then some unexpexted guest coming. You and Bill see Mabel and Dipper from a distance. You wanna greet them, but you remember that Bill hate them and they hate Bill too. "It's okay... you can go to them, but I won't come with you when you with them." Bill said. "A-are you okay with that?" You asked hastily. "yep" he reply, but with a little worried face. "It's okay, I'll stay with you." you smiled.

You then walk around and avoided from the twin Pine, so Bill don't get worry and enjoy the moment together with him.

After a few hours you spent with Bill at the Carnival. You got tired, and suddenly your phone ringing. It's your mom calling.

Mom : "[y/n] where are you? I'm already home now sweetie"
You : "Hey mom! I'm at the Carnival with a 'friend' now"
Mom : "Oww okay-okay. Don't come home late sweetie"
you : "Kayy mom"
End call.

The time now is 2 PM. You and Bill sit down on a bench while eating a snack that you brang from home.

--time skip--

You still at the Carnival with Bill, and it's already 4 PM. But you still don't wanna go back home until you tired. (Actually you already tired, but you didn't told Bill, so you can spent some more time with Bill :P)

Then, You and Bill ride a carousels. You really enjoy the view. "Thankyou Bill for today!" you thanked him. "you are welcome darling~" he grin. Bill look deeply to your eye, you started blushing. "W-what..?" You said it shyly. He grab your hand and hold it, you hold back. "Bill... why are you so sweet with me? Why do you even wanted to become evil?" you asked him while laying on his shoulder. "I.. don't know... maybe it's already in my blood for being evil" he chuckle a little. You just smiled.

"But maybe you're not that bad Bill, I think you can change, I belive that." You smiled to him. "thanks for believe that" He blush and smiled.

Bill suddenly kissed your lip, and this time more passionate. The kiss is getting more intense, and he started to kiss you on the neck. "B-Bill... don't...." you struggle to get away from him but kinda hard because he hold your body tight and you still on the moving carousels. "B-bill... please... d-don't..." you said it again. Bill stopped. "...S-sorry... When I'm near with you... I-I just feel, I wanna desire you..." He blush. You blush too. "Arghh..! Why I have this weird feeling to you, [Y/N].. I'm sorry.. for behaving like this.." Bill grumble. "B-bill... It's okay... You know... I kinda like it too, but not too much like that.." you said it shyly.

Then the ride stop and you two get off from the carousels. Then you walking to home with Bill. Like usual, He holds your hand.

"[y/n].... I love you~" Suddenly Bill said that. You blush really red. "I-I love you too~" You said it hastily with a sweet voice. Bill blush too after you said that. You two confess to each other. "I love you! I love you! I love you!!" He attach his hand around your shoulder and kissed your cheek sweetly. You chuckle and blush more.

"You're such a sweet demon!" You tickle him. "Hey don't say that! I'm the almighty powerful demon Bill Cipher!" He said proudly. "No you don't!" you tease him. He chuckle.

You finally arrived home. Before you get in the house, Bill kissed your hand. The lips mark then formed a triangle symbol. "This is for emergency, incase when you need me. Just kiss this symbol. kay?" Bill said. "okay, thanks!" You smiled softly.

Then you go inside the house.

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