Chapter 21

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Mabel POV

I was accompany with Candy and Grenda, and now I'm at Candy's house. I'm about to head back home and before I left Candy's house, rain comes heavily with stroms and thunder. "Oh no, it's raining" I mumble. "Don't go back home now, Mabel! It's raining heavily.You can stay and wait until the rain is stop at my house, Mabel" Candy said. "Okayy, thanks Candy" I said. Then I went inside Candy's house.

Suddenly, I felt something isn't right. I tried to cover this worried feeling and calm myself down. 'Well.. I hope everthing is okay now...' I mused. "Helloo! earth to Mabel??" Candy snap her fingers in front of my face. I blink a few times and glare at her. "Mabel are you okay?" Candy worried. "U-uh.. yep" I said and smiled to her. "Is there something on your mind? you can tell me" Candy said. "oh.. Candy, I'm worried.. I felt there is something wasn't right. And I can't explain what is it.. eh! Candy, can I borrowed your phone?" I said. "yea sure, here" Candy gave me her phone. I took the phone. I insert the Mystery Shack number and dial it. 'toot...toot...' (phone dialing). And no one answer it. I'm getting more worried. I tried to called again, 3 times more, but still no answer. "Candy, I must go home now, I really felt something wasn't right back at the Shack" you said. "Are you really sure?" Candy asked. "yea" I answered it quick. "can I borrow your umbrella?" I asked. "sure" Candy said. I quickly went home, even it's still raining heavily.

Your POV

You opened your eyes and felt dizzy. 'Ah... where am I... What happened...?' you mused while trying to get up. "Sshh..Ahh.." You rub your head and felt like you've been hit by something hard. You stand up and look around. You realize you were in a bedroom, a nice comfy bedroom. "Ah.. Ford! Dipper!" you suddenly remember.

"Well well well... it seems our 'princess' is waking up already..." A male voice appeared from nowhere. You astonished. "Now now, would you like to drink?" a glass of [your fav drink] appear and it leviate. "Or are you hungry?" a plate of [your fav food] appear and it leviate too beside you. You became aware and looked around. "W-who are you??! W-what do you want from m-me??!" You screamed hastily. "HA HA HA HAH!" an evil laugh appear. "W-who are y-you??!" You screamed again. "Are you already forgetting me? really? Guess again [y/n]" The male voice began to heard louder and nearer you.

A male figure walk approach you from your back. You heard his steps and turned around face him. You saw the figure. "Hah! You! You're the guy who kidnapped me! You're the guy who turned into somekind of giant monster and almost killed me!!" You screamed and flinch from him. "Ah.. Finally you recognized me!" Zinthos smirk. "You're a demon, aren't you??!" You exclaim. "Haha yea, of course! Finally you realize that!" Zinthos grin.

"What do you want with me??! What did you do to Ford and Dipper??!" You asked. "Well.. you'll see it sooner or later. Now go back to sleep! Bye~ HAHAHAHH!" Zinthos snapped his finger and dissapear in the darkness. "No-" You pass out.

Ford POV

I opened my eyes and look around. Well the good thing is, they didn't do anything to my body, like hit or punch me. The bad news is I'm in a prison, in a dark prison. I looked to behind me and I saw Dipper laying on the ground. "Dipper!" I quickly go to him and try to wake him up. His body has a rash, his nose was bleeding a little. He must me attacked by these unkown kidnappers.

"Ahh... G-grunkle F-ford..? How.. did you get here? what happened..?" Dipper waking up. "Ahh, Dipper! I'm glad you're okay. Well.. same as you, kidnapped" I said. "Ahh-" Dipper rub his nose and saw a blood on his hand. I rub my pocket to find a tissue or a cloth. I found it, and quickly clean Dipper's face. "T-thanks Grunkle Ford!" Dipper thanked.

"Well hello dears! Ohh you waking up already~" A female voice appear. She came closer and her figure became clearly. I recognized this woman. "You're Shira the lust demon!" I said. "You know her?" Dipper confused. "Aww you know me! You such a sweet human" Shira flattered. "What do you want from us??!" Ford scream. Shira walk closer to the bars near Ford and Dipper. "It's a secret~ You'll see it, sooner or later" Shira wink. "Bye humans~" Shira waved her hand and dissapearing throught the darkness.

Dipper POV

I checked and rub my jacket, to looked for my journal #3, I mean Grunkle Ford's journal. "Ahh Dang it! I didn't brought it! I must have left it in my room with [y/n] before I left her!" I mumble.

"Grunkle Ford, are [y/n] okay?" I asked Ford. "I'm afraid not. She get captured first before me. And I don't know where she is now" Ford answered it worriedly. "Ohh No" I mumble. "Wait.. maybe she's in here somewhere! We have to find her!" I said. "[y/n]!! [y/n]!" I called. But no answer.

"I hope she's okay now" I mumble.

Author's note :
So Heyyaa readers! Thanks for reading my story, and the votings. Enjoy my story? Or if you have questions or advice for me about the story, just comment.

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