Chapter 29

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your POV

"[y/n]!" you heard a male voice call your name. 'I know that voice!' you mused.

"Bill! I-is that.. y-you..??" you screamed back. You were still in the black void, You tried to look around you to find the somebody who called you. At the moment, a silence stroke and it kinda make you felt uncomfortable.

Suddenly, you felt someone or something grab your wrist strongly. 'AHH!!' You struggle to get off from the grip, "calm down! calm down [y/n]!" he turned your body facing his body. "It's me sweetie.. Look at me" He said softly.

You hug him tightly, and don't want to let go the hug. "B-bill!" You cried. Bill hugged you back. Tears began to fall from your eyes. "I-I missed y-you... I'm scared.." you cried. "I missed you too~" Bill said sweetly. You blushed and dip your face to his chest even more. "there there~" He pat your head gently and hug you tighter.

You let go the hug. "I'm so glad you're here" you wipe your tears. Bill smiled and hold your hand. "I knew it! You'll save me" you smiled. "So what happen to the others?? Did you saved them too?" you asked. "yea I did. Everyone is save..for now.." Bill replied. "Wow.. you actually saved Ford?! You did a good thing Bill! I knew it, you've changed!" you smiled.

"I can't wait to go back and see them all! Let's go back together, Bill" you said happily. "A-about that.... I.." Bill scratch his back head, feel nervous. "hmm?" you confused. "I-I can't go back.. Only you could" Bill said sadly. "w-why..?" you began to worried. "Look, when I tried to save you, Dipper and Ford, I must have a fight to save you all. And after the fight I got so many damage and wounds on my body. It drowns my power when I get hurt. And when we already saved you three, my power is really criticaly low. And before we all could go back, a demon attacked. And I used all my last power to save you all-" "So.. Y-you.. d-died..?!?" you cut Bill's word. "I don't know for sure.. But for now, I can't go back." Bill said sadly. Tears began to fall from your eyes. "N-no.. N-no.. i-it can't be.. I-I.." you cried. Bill hug you tight. "Hey, easy okay?... I won't leave you, okay? I'll be with you always" Bill said softly. You cry even more.

You hug him so tight while crying like a crybaby. "Hey [y/n], I love you so much! I won't leave you, I promise that!" Bill said softly, it makes you cry even more.

Suddenly, you felt a little lighter and started to fade away from there. "H-hah?! B-bill.. What's h-happening to m-me?!" you confused. You can't touch or feel Bill's hug anymore. "You were waking up and getting back to your body" Bill said sadly. You saw Bill's cried a little. Before you dissapear, you kissed him.


"Grunkle Ford! I think she's waking up!" you heard Dipper's voice echoing.

You opened your eyes slowly. "Oh my gosh! [y/n] you're okay! I'm so glad you're okay!" Dipper said happily. "Ah. you're awake [y/n]! Thank godness you're okay" Ford said. Then Ford leave you two alone in the room.

You get up slowly and sit down on the couch. "Are you thirsty? Here I brought you a glass of water" Dipper said. "T-thanks Dipper" you thanked him and then drink the water. Dipper sat beside you.

"How is everybody now?" you asked. "everybody now is saved! I can't believe it but, Thanks to Bill! He saved us all" Dipper replied. 'Bill..' you mused. "Is Bill okay now?" you asked sadly. "I don't know for sure. But my great Grunkle Ford is trying his best to saved him" Dipper said. "Where's Bill now?" You asked again. "He's on my Grunkle Ford's lab" Dipper said. "Can you take me to see him?" you asked. "maybe not now. Grunkle Ford said he doesn't want to be bother by anyone while healing Bill" Dipper explained. "oww..umm okay..." you replied.

Author's note : Is Bill still alive or not?? comment what do you think :3

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