Chapter 16

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You arrived at home. "Hello sweetie! I made you, your fav-" "H-hi mom" You quickly cut her words and ran upstairs to your bedroom. You were crying while hugging your pillow. You can't believe for what you saw.

You kept crying until night. "Sweetie you haven't eat your dinner yet. Are you okay?" Your mom suddenly get into your room, bringing your dinner. "I-it's okay mom, l'll eat it later, j-just put it on that desk" You said hastily. Your mom saw you crying. "Hey.. what's wrong sweetie?" Your mom asked. "N-no.. j-just leave me alone... please..." You pleaded. Your mom nodded and she left you alone. Actualy you wanna tell this to your mom, about Bill, what did he do, and what just you saw, but you're afraid to tell her. You're afraid that your mom won't let you be with Bill anymore.

Suddenly Bill appear from nowhere. You saw Bill walk forward to you. You turned back not facing his position. "L-leave me alone!" you command. He's still coming your way and wanted to hug you. You pull yourself away from him. "I can explain-" "Explain what??! You clearly kissed her back and all this time I trusted you.. B-but you're just like the other boys! Y-you.. cheater!!" You shouted and cut his words. "[y/n] please let me-" "No! Leave me alone!" You stated.

Bill didn't say anywords and he back away a little from you, so you can have your own space. 'Geez girls.. if they were on bad mood they be like super sensitive and fierce' Bill muse. Bill didn't leave you, he just sit on the floor looking at you worried.

"I said, leave me ALONE!" You stated again. "You see, if I don't care about you anymore, I will leave you by now.." Bill said calmly. "Why do you even care about me anyway?!" You asked him harshly. Bill then get up and walk towards you. "Because I love you" Bill said, You blush. "No! go away..!" You said. Bill stopped his steps. "I will. But at least don't forget to eat your dinner, I don't want to see you get sick" Bill put your meal beside your spot. You blush and didn't say any words. Then you shake your head replying 'No'.

"Hhh... Look [y/n], I was with Shira because I wanted to ask her about that witch demon who bother you, I thought she was working with the witch demon, and if I could deceive her, I might have got some answers for you. But... my mission was canceled because you already saw me and I forgot to tell you before. I have to do the thing she want, so she won't be suspect at me. But, I won't do anything weird or else with her, I only love you darling~" Bill explained. You looked at him with an embarrased face, you've been missunderstood.Bill smiled. "Now... Will you eat your meal for me?" He spoon you the meal and put it in front of your mouth. You think short first and open your mouth slowly, Bill fed you. "Now that's a good girl" he said. You continue eating, you eat by yourself.

After you finish your eating, you put back the plate to the kitchen downstairs and then come back upstairs.

Suddenly Bill hug you. "Thankyou darling~" Bill said. "Bill.. I'm sorry for misunderstood you.. And... Bill... I trust you.." You said while laid your head to his chest. "thankyou for trusting me. And I won't let you down darling~" Bill kissed your forehead. Your cheek is warm and red as tomato.

Bill accompany with you through the night, until you fell asleep on Bill's chest.

'She's so cute when sleeping like this' Bill muse, he blush and touched your soft face skin gently. Then he carry you gently and laid you on your bed. Bill didn't leave you, but he go to your mind and guard your mindscape so you won't be bother.

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