Chapter 20

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--time skip--

It's 4 PM already, you're about going back to your home after having sleepover with Mabel, Grenda and Candy. Grenda and Candy already went back home, Mabel accompany with them.

"You wanna leave already?" Dipper came into the bedroom(Mabel and Dipper's room). "Yep" you reply shortly. Then a slilent moment strike the room. Dipper saw you packing your things. 'awkward moment...'  you mused. Dipper glare at your [eye color] eyes. You become nervous and blushed, "W-what..?" you asked shyly. "N-nothing.. Nothing" Dipper looked away from you, his face blushed.

"A-are you okay, Dip? You seemed more... quite" you said. "Hhhh.. H-hey... [y/n] I was wondering if.... y-you.. wanna...." Dipper scratch his head. "yea......?" You look into his brown eyes. "U-uhh... if.. you.. wanna... huhh.. hangout a little longer with me today before you go home... m-maybe?" Dipper asked you awkwardly. "W-well.. yea it's okay with me. So.. what do you wanna do with me?" you asked back. "U-uh.. I-I wanna show you something" Dipper said unsurely. "Okay. So what is it?" you asked him.

Dipper POV

'Ahh.. Dang it! What am I gonna show her?! I'm too embarrased to tell her what I feel'  I mused. 'Oh.. maybe there's something interesting here I could show to [y/n]'  I opened my journal #3, I mean Ford's journal. 

Your POV


'KNOCK KNOCK!' Someone's knocking the front door.

"Kids! open the door!!" Stan screamed. "Okayy!!" Dipper ran downstairs and leave you alone in the bedroom with the journal #3. You looked at the big book. 'Whoa.. So this is the book that Dipper's always bring with him. This book must be so precious to him...'  you muse. You randomly opened the book and you accidently opened a page about Bill. 'Bill??'  You muse, and you began to red it. 

It's been a while Dipper left you to open the door, you started to get bored. 'What took him so long just opening a door?'  you went out of the bedroom and go downstair to look for him. Then you saw the door was opened wide and no one there. "Dipper?? Dipper??" You called his name. You go out to look for Dipper, but no one there, the sky is dark and cloudy. "Dipper?!!" you began to scream. It began to creep you, your body is a little shivering. Then, a loud thunder appear, you instantly close the door because you're afraid of thunder.

"Dipper!!" You still screaming. The light inside the shack are a little bit faint, the outside is cloudy and began to rain heavily with more thunder sound, it makes more creepier than before. 'maybe he's inside the shack..? maybe he forgot to close the door..?'  You dare yourself to find Dipper inside the shack in that condition. 

"H-hello..? someone?" You said. 'why is this house so quite..'  you muse. "Stan? Ford?...... Anyone??!" You said loud. You went to the kitchen, but the kitchen is so dark because the light is turned off. Then you find the switch and flip the switch on. You scream loud and astonished, because you saw Ford is suddenly there. "FORD??! OH MY GOSH, I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE!!!" you run approaching him with relieved tone. "y-yea I'm always at the Shack [y/n]" Ford said. "What happen [y/n] you looked so scared? Aren't you already coming back to your home?" Ford asked you. "Y-yea I was scared.. D-dipper was missing.." you said. "W-what..? How?" Ford confused. "I was with Dipper about 30 minutes ago at his room, then someone knocks the front door, and Dipper opened the door while I waited him in the bedroom. Maybe about 15 minutes he didn't come back and I started to get worry. Then I went downstairs and looked for him, but he is not there! Then I started to looked for him inside the shack.. and now I found you" you explained. "Maybe Dipper went outside?" Ford said. "I already checked outside but there's no sign of him... And by the way it's raining heavily with stroms outside, there's no way someone went outside" you said with a worried tone. "Calm down [y/n].. Let's check around the house, maybe he's inside now, okay?" Ford walk lead the way to the other room with you nearby him.

"Dipper! Dipper!" you called. But still no answer. You and Ford kept walking to the living room. Suddenly all the lights at the shack went out. "Ahh!" You astonished and got scared. You cannot see anything, everthing is pitch black. Ford quickly rub his pockets and find a mini torch. He turned it on and he turned to you, to check you. "The storm maybe disturb the electricity by now" Ford said.

Suddenly a loud broken glass sound heard.
"What was that??!!" You asked scared, your body shiver and began to sweating. You two were silent and stopped for a while. "Ford... I'm scared..." you whispered. "Just... stay close to me [y/n].." Ford whispered back.

You and Ford began to walked to the source of the broken glass sound. Before you two found the broken glass place, you heard something or someone's moved.

"Ahh-" Someone grab your legs and pull you away from Ford. "[y/n]!!" Ford trying to grab you, but it's too late. "Fordd!!" You screamed before you completely dissapear in the darkness. "Who are you??! Come and face me!!" Ford point his weapon to where you've been taken. "Ahh!" Suddenly, they caught Ford too.

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