Chapter 26

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Mabel POV

"Oh no! Then How can we saved Grunkle Ford and Dipper now.." I mumble. "We still can! Let's go now, before my power run out and... die" Bill said. "No Bill! I won't let you do that!" I shouted. "relax shooting star. Only my human body will die, I'm a demon remember? I'm immortal. And beside, why do you care anyway?" Bill said. "I care because, I care about [y/n], [y/n] loved and cared about you. If you die, what am I going to tell [y/n]? She will be so sad.. Aren't you loved her too?" I said. Bill speechless for a while. "Well I do loved her, but I do care too about her friends and Ford was my old best friend, I tricked him and I dissapointed him, so I'm thinking if I could just make things better..." Bill said. "I think, you've changed and you are a good person Bill. And, you deserve a second chance" I smiled to him. "Thanks" Bill replied.

"Eh guys, some weird angry monsters are coming up this way, and I think they don't like us here" Stan pointing his finger to the outside room. "Okay then! Let's move!" Bill shouted.

Stan carried [y/n], while I helped Bill to stand up. "Stan! stay close to me now!" Bill commanded. Then, he snapped his finger, and we're instantly transported to other room that's more save.

"Phew! glad you still could use your power to transport us!" I said. "yea... for now" Bill said. We now in the hallway and there's so many doors.

"So which way to save my brother and Dipper?" Stan asked. "Hmm.. We walk forward through the hallway, and find a door that made from steel" Bill instructed. "Okay let's go!" I said.

We walk to what Bill said and found a door that made from steel. Then we slowly open the door and quickly get inside, then close it again so we won't leave a tracks behind or no one knows we're inside.

"Ah! Mabel, I know you come to save us! Come here to me~" Ford said. "Mabel! come here~" Dipper said. "There they are! Ah guys! I'm so-" "Stop!" Bill pulled me when I started running towards them. "What?! It's them Dipper and-" Bill ssush me. "That's a trap!" Bill said.

"Ahh stupid me! I got fooled when tracking Pine tree and Ford. Let's get out from here before they attack us!" Bill said. Then Bill snapped his finger and we're in another place again.

"Where are we?" I asked. "We're here" Bill said. We were in a dark room, only a little light there. There we saw a cage, inside it there was Dipper and Ford, their legs was chained to the cage. "There they are!" Stan shouted.

"Is that... Mabel? Ah! Mabel!!! Help us!" Dipper shouted. "Dipper!!" I ran towards them. "You alright?" Stan asked. "Yea I'm alright" Ford reply. "Oww you found [y/n], what happened to her?" Ford asked Stan. "Well I don't know for sure but I explained what I know later, let's get you outta here" Stan said. "Wait.. I-is that... Bill?" Ford said. "Hello old friend" Bill appear and approach to Ford. "Why is he here??! Did you make deal with him??! Did he TRICK you all??!" Ford back away a little. "No no no! Relax Grunkle Ford, he is here to help and save you guys!" I said. Ford still can't believe that I'm working together with Bill, and he still seems suspicious to Bill.

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