Chapter 5

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Your POV

The morning bright sunlight, shining to your bedroom and make your bedroom warm.

You open your eyes slowly. You startled And you see a sleeping person's face is in front of your face.

And he is sleeping while hugging you close to him. You blush and your face become so warm. You didn't even move your body so you won't wake him up. It was Bill who sleeps beside you.

You look into his face and you see Bill sleeping so calmly, your face become more red. You wonder why even when Bill is sleeping he wear his eyepatch. You softly touch his face skin. 'his skin is so soft~' you muse. Actually you feel really comfortable near him.

Bill started to waking up. His golden eye open slowly, you startled. And you pretend to sleep again you closed your eyes quickly, with your face still warm and pinkish color.

You peek a little to see what's happening. "Morning darling~ I know you already awake. Hehe" Bill tease you. You smiled and blush again. "No.. I don't...." You answer it with lazy tone and smiled. "Yes you are.." He tease tou again.

He hugg you more tighter and closer to him. You struggle to get off him, but you can't. You tickle his belly to make he let go of you but his hold tighter and suddenly Bill kiss your lips. You startled, your face becoming more red and warm. You don't know why, but you kissed him back. And after that kiss he let you go.

You stand up with a flushy red cheek. You realize that Bill have a feeling for you. But, you didn't know for sure if you have the same feelings for him or not. You like Bill, but you like him as your friend, but you do like when you stay close to him, even when he hugged you like that.

Then you just remember, last night before you fall asleep, your mom and grandma haven't return from their trip. You go to downstair to check if they're already home or not. You checked the whole rooms in your home, but no sign of them. Then you go back upstair, and pick your phone. You call your mom.

You : "Hello, mom? Why aren't you home?"
Mom : "Hello, [y/n] I'm so sorry! last night we went home too late, grandma was so tired so I decided to stay a night here. I'm so sorry sweetie.."
You : "... I-it's okay mom..."
Mom : "I'm on my way home now sweetie. Have you already eat breakfast?"
You : "No.. I just woke up"
Mom : "Oww okay. I got you some food here. If you wanna wait for me, it's okay. If you can't wait, cook something to eat so your stomach won't be hurt."(you have a stomach sickness)
You : "okay okay mom. See ya."
End call

Bill is still in your room, sitting on your bed, looking at you. You blush lightly, and avoid eye contact with him. Then you approach to him.

"You hungry?" You asked him. "Yea" he replied. "Okay then" you said.

You go downstair. "You can cook?" Bill asked. "Yep. Well... not all food I can make, but at least I won't be hungry if there is no food on the table" you reply. Bill followed you to downstair.

You checked what's on the fridge. You decided to make a pancake.

Bill sitdown on the chair. Watching you as you started to mix the ingridients. Then you started to cook the pancake batter. Suddenly Bill approach you. "Here let me do the cooking" He said. You nodded. "Carefull it's hot!" You remind him. "Okay okay 'mom' haha" Bill tease you. You chuckle.

After you two finish cooking. You and Bill have a breakfast together. After that you wash the dishes and go back upstair. Bill is already upstair.

"Hhmmm... I'm bored what should I do today?" You mumble. "Hey Bill, do you know any interesting place to go to in Gravity Falls?" you glance at him. Bill think. "How about The forest? There's many weird things in the Gravity Falls forest. I thought you might be interest." Bill suggest. "Hmm.. No.. I already go to the forest yesterday, maybe next time. Any suggestion again?" you asked. "Oww I just remember, There's an event, a carnival on the town today." Bill said. "Oww that's nice. I wanna go there!" you said wit enthusiasm. "How about we go there together?" Bill asked. "sure!" You reply.

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