Chapter 18

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You finally arrived at the Shack. "[y/n]!!!" You heard the girls screaming your name. You went to Mabel's room with Grenda and Candy. You put your bag down and sit down near Mabel.

You were talking about boys now. "Hey let's play truth or dare!" Candy said. "yea sure" Mabel said. "Mabel, truth or dare??!" Grenda started. "Umm.. Dare" Mabel answered. You, Grenda and Candy discuss in whisper a few seconds. "We dare you to kiss Dipper.... on the lip!" You said. Mabel blushed a little. "Chalenge accepted!" Mabel said. "Kiss him passionately!" Candy added. "Nooo! I only do a quick kiss" Mabel annoyed and blush. "Hahaha" You three laugh.

You and Grenda go find Dipper and bring him to Mabel and Dipper's room. "Uh... What am I doing here again exactly?" Dipper asked awkwardly while you and Grenda push him near Mabel. "Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!" You three cheered. "W-what are-" Dipper words cut, Mabel kissed his lip, they both blush. Mabel quickly let go Dipper. "Uhh.. eww.. Mabel??! What was that supposed to mean??" Dipper rubs his lip after kissing with Mabel. You three chuckle. "Nah we were just playing truth or dare, and.. they dare me to kissed your lips" Mabel said it awkwardly and blushed. "Uh... Eww..." Dipper mumble again. You three still chuckling. Then, Dipper left the room.

"Alright now is my turn! [y/n], truth or dare??" Mabel asked. "Truth!" you reply. Mabel think a few seconds. "Aha! Do you like someone?? OR do you love someone??!" Mabel asked while smirk. You blushed. "Tell us! tell us! Tell us!" Mabel said. "Alright.. alright.. I'll tell you guys! But! please don't hate me AND MOST IMPORTANT IS DON'T TELL ANYONE!" You said, You blushed. They nodded. "Promise?" You asked. "promise!" They said unison. "I lo-" Suddenly someone break into the room.

It's Bill. Everyone was speechless and looking at him. "Oww No it's Bill..! Haha.. right?" Bill smirks. "Kill him!" Grenda said and she picked a big object, running towards Bill to hit him with it. Bill snapped his finger, Grenda suddenly get back sitdown on the floor again with you and the girls. "No need to be rude, please.. I don't wanna bother you three.. I'm here to seeing my doll if she's doing alright" Bill explained. The girls(except you) were confused what was Bill talking about. "And now I think she's fine! See ya at the dreamscape darling~" Bill glanced at you and disapearing. You blushed.

"[y/n]... Don't tell me that you made a deal with that demon?" Mabel asked. "Uh... I-I.. kinda.. did it...." You said it hastily, the girls saw you with an unbelieving face. "But i-it's N-not what it looks like. Bill have changed..." you said it hastily. "Did you ever know what horrible things he did to the Gravity Falls?" Candy ask you worried. You nodded. "But girls, please trust me! Bill changed. He won't do such that things again, and please don't tell Dipper, Ford or Stan" you begged. "And yea.. I loved him" you added and blushed.

Mabel saw you begged and she knows that you already fall for that triangle demon. "Please don't hate me.." you said sadly. "I trust you [y/n].. and I believe what you said before" Mabel said calmly. "yea [y/n], we won't hate you" Grenda and Candy said unison. The girls hugged you and you hugged them back. "Aww thankyou for trusting me too" you smiled.

"Well.. it's midnight already! hey wanna watch a horror movies?! I think there's a horror show tonight on TV" Mabel asked. "Yea sure, let's go!" Grenda said. You and Candy nodded.

You four go downstairs and turn the TV on. Suddenly Dipper pass through. "Hey Dipper! wanna join us?" you asked. "Nope... I'm kinda tired now.." Dipper yawn. "Oww okay.. goodnight~" you said.

You four watched the TV until morning. And already slept when the movie wasn't finished.

Author's note:
sorry for not updating a while. Sorry if my spelling or my sentence was wrong, you can give me some advise or comments too for my writings~

and most of all, enjoy! \(QwQ)/

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