Chapter 9

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"So, what are we going to do today?" You asked Mabel. Then Dipper appear from another room, carrying 2 big boxes. "Wanna help me restock some goods?" Dipper said. "sure" you reply. "I want to help too" Mabel said. Then you three restocking goods.

"Thankyou guys for helping me!" Dipper thanked you and Mabel. You and Mabel nodded. Dipper go to the kitchen and bring back two colas for you and Mabel. "catch!" Dipper throw the cola to you, you catch it.

"Ahh! so refreshing!" You said. "So You two worked here too?" you asked. "Yeah, we're helping our Grunkle Stan every summer holiday since we were 12 y.o." Dipper said. "Oww" you said.

Then a boy come into the shack. "whoa a customer. [y/n], can you take care the cashier a while? I want to return this boxes back with Mabel" Dipper said. "sure" you reply. Then Dipper and Mabel go to another room carrying the boxes.

The boy approach to you. 'Wait is that, Danny?'

"Hey, [y/n]. So... you worked here?" Danny asked. "Mmm.. nope, I'm just helping my friends" you reply shortly. "Hey, [y/n] wanna   hangout sometime with me? Relax, I'm not going to steal you from your boyfriend. I just wanna have a little talk with you" He said. "O-oww.. sure... but maybe not this time" You kinda a little suspicious about Danny, but you're trying to be polite to him. "O-oww.. yea it's okay-" He said.

"[y/n] I'm back-" Mabel approach from another room with Dipper. "Who's that?" Mabel asked. "Oww.. guys this is Danny my.. f-friend" you reply. "hello! Nice to meet you Danny!" The twins said. "yo, nice to meet you too" Danny wave his hand. "So I'm gonna go.. see ya [y/n]! see ya Mabel and Dipper!" Danny walk to the door, and finally got out.

"ehemm..." Mabel smirks. "Uuu.. who is that guy? Is he your boyfriend [y/n]??" Mabel tease you. "No" you reply with a little annoyed tone. "Uuu.. you two seems close" Mabel said. But you just being silent and don't wanna talk about it. "Mabel! Don't be like that!" Dipper said. "No, no, no it's okay..I'm okay" You said. "Danny.. is my ex boyfriend.." you said. "... Oww.. sorry about that" Mabel said. "You seems a little annoyed with him, what happen to you two [y/n]?" Dipper asked. "Well when we were dating, I love Danny so much and I really care him so much. At the begining we were a happy couple, until one day, he cheated me. He said that we didn't meant for eachother after all. Then we broke up. I can't move on from him for 8 months. It's really hard to let go someone you love..." you explain. "I-I don't know... I'm sorry.." Mabel hugged you. "Nah, it's okay, now I already move on and forgive him" you smiled. "but why did he even come here for you? what is his deal?" Dipper asked. "I don't know... yesterday he came to my grandma house and said sorry for everything. But now.. he ask me out again.. I'm kinda suspicious about it, so I rejected it" you said. "Yea you should be aware. Maybe he wanna use you or worst!" Mabel said. "yea! like Bill Cipher, the demon. He likes to trick people" Dipper said. "B-bill? Bill Cipher?" you mumble, suddenly you blush and you try to cover your mark on your hand that Bill gave you yesterday. "[y/n] why are you blushing?" Mabel asked. "N-nothing! I-I-I just remembered about Danny" You lied.

After the conversation you have, Ford suddenly come in the Shack and saw you three on the cashier table. "Hey grunkle ford! Sorry I left you at the fish market..." Mabel said. "nah it's okay" Ford reply. "Hey Mr.Ford! Sorry for making Mabel left you" you apologized. "it's okay kid" Ford reply. "So.. Who's hungry?" Ford asked. "Me me meee" Mabel said excitedly. "me too" Dipper said. "[y/n] you should try Grunkle Ford's cooks, it's good" Dipper invited you. "Oww well... okay then" You answered. "Nice! you're going to love it!" Mabel said.

Then, you three helping Ford cook and eat lunch together. You thanked the Pines family for the lunch and head back home.

--time skip--

Then you go to your room and rest on your bed while playing your phone. Then you get bored and you sitdown on your bed facing the window in front of you. You just looking at the window, and fell asleep.

--time skip--

You wake up and see the time, it's already 5.30 PM. You go downstair and saw your mom was chatting with your grandma. You ignored them and go outside the house.

'I wish Bill was right here now.. with me' you muse. Suddenly Bill appear in front of you from nowhere. You astonished. "B-bill??!" you said. "Hello darling~" Bill greeted you. You blush.

After that, you two walk to the public park while holding hands. "So.. how is your day, Bill?" As his 'girlfriend' now, you care more about him. "Well... my days in the dreamscape was... exciting, everyday I made a party and inviting my demon friends. How's yours darling?" Bill asked. "Well... today, in the morning I accompany with my mom to the fish market and I met Mabel there, and then I were at the Mystery Shack. And... I met Danny again.." you said. "What is he doing?" Bill asked. "Well... he asked me out. I mean.. not dating again, he just wanna have some little talk with me. But,... I refuse. Because I kinda suspicious about him" you said. "yea you should." Bill said.

"Hey [y/n].." Bill said. "yea?" you reply. "Thankyou for trusting me" Bill wraped his arm around your waist and he kissed your cheek sweetly. You blush and smiled. "I'm really happy to have you here by my side" Bill said. You blush more.

"Anyway, tomorrow night I'm gonna throw a party again at the dreamscape, wanna come?" Bill asked. "Sure" you reply.

"I'll go to your house to pick you up" Bill said "kay.. Eh.. but Bill is it alright if I go to the dreamscape? Demons hate humans, right?" You worried. "Relax darling. I'm the party king there so if they do something to you, I'll make them into corpses" He said with a smirk. You trust him and nodded.


"You should come with me tomorrow night to the dreamscape, she's going there too" he grin. Danny nodded. "But what about Bill? He will be near by her"  Danny worried. "I'll take care of him" she said.

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