Chapter 22

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Mabel POV

'Yes! Finally! I'm home' I muse. All my body, dress I wore and the shoe I wore were wet. Even though I already took an umbrella.

I quickly open the front door, gladly the door wasn't locked so I can get inside. Inside the shack was so quite.(The Shack's light already on again). I put Candy's umbrella down and started walk to find someone. "Dipper!!..... Grunkle Stan!!... Grunkle Ford!!....[y/n]!!!" I called. But no answer. 'where was everybody?'  I muse. Then I checked mine and Dipper's my bedroom. I opened the door, but nobody is in the room. I saw Dipper's journal #3 was on the bed, so I took it and go out of my room.

Then, I walk to Grunkle Stan's room. I opened the door, and.... I saw Stan was sleeping. "Ahh! Grunkle Stann!! Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!" I shook his body. "ahh.. What up Mabel?" Stan opened his eyes and become concious. "Grunkle Stan!! Dipper, Ford, and [y/n] are missing!!" I said it with panic tone. "Wh-what? Are you sure, kid? Maybe they're going somewhere else..." Stan said lazily. "No! Please Grunkle Stan, you've got to belive me!" I exclaimed. "Ahh alright alright! Let's checked them" Stan said. I nodded.

We checked all the rooms in the Shack but there's no sign of them. "Alright.. this is getting weird and creepy, where did they go.. If Dipper's wanna leave the Shack, he usually leave a note to me, but there's no note to be found here, or any clue" Stand said worriedly. Me and Grunkle Stan still looking for any clue.

Bill POV

I felt like, I missed [y/n] already. Althought, yesterday I'm already be with her . She must have been home already. So I transport myself into [y/n]'s bedroom. "Hello dar-" I looked at her room but no one is there. 'Maybe she hasn't return from the

Mystery Shack yet'  I muse. Well, let's go to the Shack the. I snapped my finger and dissapearing from her room.

Mabel POV

"Ahh Where are theyy.. I'm so worried!" I mumble. Suddenly a bright gold or yellow light came out in the middle of the living room.

"Bill??!" I mumble. "Ahh.. Hello my old friend Shooting Star!" Bill grin. "Have you seen [y/n] around? I thought she's still at the Shack" Bill looked around and confused. "Wait.. why is it kinda quite here?" Bill asked.

"Bill! They're missing! [y/n], Dipper, and Ford!!" I exclaimed. "What?! [y/n] in trouble?!! How could you let that happen??!!" Bill said angirly. "No! I don't know where the hell they are, Bill! When I got home, they were gone!" I said. Then Stan came in. "Ahh what is he doing here?! Hey, I killed you before, aren't you dead already?" Stan taunt. Bill looked at Stan angrily. "What?? do you think I'm scared of you? Ha! try me!" Stan walk towards Bill, it seems he underestimating Bill. Bill smirk evilish and walk towards Stan. And they began to fight.

"GUYS! STOP IT!!" I exclaimed and tried to stop them. And finally! They stopped."Now! Our mission is to save our friends! Ford, Dipper, and [y/n]! Now I need you both, Grunkle Stan and Bill, to work together to save them-" "There's no way I'm working together with him!" Stan cut my words and point his finger at Bill. "Yea me neither!" Bill crossed his arm. "Guys, please!! They need us! If we work together it'll be easier to find them!" I tried to talked some senses to them and looked at them. "Grunkle Stan, please.. This is For Dipper and Ford" I looked at Stan. "Bill.. please for [y/n]..." Then I turn and looked Bill in the eye.

"Huh.. Fine! I'll do it for [y/n]!" Bill said. "Okay fine! Just for this moment I'll try to work it out with you, Bill. BUT if you messing with my family again... I swear I'm gonna punch you harder and make sure you'll die forever!" Stan threated Bill. "Whatever" Bill said. "Yes! Finally!!" I exclaimed.

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