Chapter 27

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Mabel POV

"Step back Stan, Mabel!" Bill comanded. Bill began to put his hand in front of the prison bars and his hand began to glow. Then the prison bars melt. I saw Bill is sweating and his body was shivering when he do it. "U-ugh..! A... l-little m-more...." Bill mumble and keep pushing his power to melt the prison bars. "Gahh!!" Bill fell and he barely breath and his body shivering. "Bill!" I run towards Bill.

Bill did it, he melt the prison bars. Ford and Dipper are free and Ford walk towards Bill. "Bill are you okay?" I asked. "Bill please stay with me!!" I shook his body. "Bill! Thankyou!.... Bill? Are you alright?" Ford said. "His power is draining!!" I said. "He is hurt!" Ford said. "I know, when he was saving [y/n] he get bleeding and I cannot do more than wrap his stomach with my jacket" I explained quickly. "We must go back as fast as we can to save him!" Ford said. "But how?" Dipper appeared. *Bill cough* "I still can, I think..." Bill said. "No no-" "It's okay shooting star, don't worry..." Bill cut my words.

Bill stood up and I hold his body so he won't fall. "A-Alright now s-stay close to me guys!" *cough* Bill commanded. Then he snap his finger. And then, a spark of light appeared and quickly dissapeared. And nothing happen. Bill kept snapping his hand but still nothing happen. "Ahh.." Bill almost fell again but then Ford hold his body. "Alright enough! Bill stop! You're gonna killed yourself" Ford pat Bill's shoulder. Bill didn't say a word, his head was looking down. Then Ford and me help Bill to walk and run, because he is really weak now.

Then we started running towards the door to get out from the room. We went out and began to search the way out.

"Guys! I think we've been followed!" Stan warned us. Ford looked back while running. "Oh no.. It's Shira! She's after us!" Ford said.Suddenly, she dissapeared from behind us and appeared in front of us. We instantly stopped running.

"Well... well... Why are you leaving so soon?" Shira said. "Oh.. Bill.. what happened to you? You look terribly hurt..." Shira teased. Bill glance angrily to her, but he can't do anything because he's too weak.

"BE GONE YOU LUST DEMON!!" Ford put out his laser gun and shot Shira. "AHH!!" he shot it right in her head. Shira fell down to the ground. "Yeahh! Nice shot Grunkle Ford!" Dipper exclaimed. "I don't know you were good at shoting people Ford" Stan teased. Then Ford and Stan both chuckled. "Alright guys come on, hurry!" Dipper said. We began to run again.

Shira POV

'Get up, Shira! You cannot let them go!'  I mused to myself. I got up and leviate myself. I flew towards them very fast. Finally, I saw they still running and looking around to find a way out from here. "I got you now...." I mumble and smirk.

I silently float above them and about to surprise them with my demon power, to trap them...

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