Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Then you get inside your house.

Your mom open the door and greet you. Suddenly.. an unexpexted things happen.

"[y/n] there is someone want to meet you here.." Your mom said.

Then the person's that your moms said appear.

"Hey [y/n]! It's been so long" the voice, you know the voice. The persons show the face, 'no way.. could it be..?' you muse. "Danny?" You said.

Bill POV

Well, at least [y/n] already know how I feel for her. I shouldn't worry much. Well time for me to get home too-

Wait isn't that [y/n]'s voice? I wanna check her. *Bill peek on [y/n] window and see [y/n] talking to a boy*

Your POV

Your ex boyfriend is now at your Grandma's home. You kinda unbelieving for what you see. You and Danny were couple once, you really love him and you give everything you can for him. But then, Danny left you, he lie to you, he cheated you, he broke your heart badly, you cannot move on for about 8 months!

"W-what are you doing here?" you asked. "[y/n], I came here to apologize for everything I had done to you before. I'm so sorry for cheating you, I-I'm such an idiot! I-I-I..." Danny said. "I-It's okay Dan, I already forgive you" you smiled. "you do? aww thankyou [y/n]! I promise I won't do the same again" He hug you. "W-wait! What do you mean 'you won't do the same again'? We aren't dating again" you confuse. "Yes we're-"

'KNOCK KNOCK' The door was knocked. Then you open the door to get away from Danny. "Bill? I thought you're gone home already?" you asked. Bill didn't say anything and instantly hug you. Your face blush. "B-Bill... what happen? Are you ok?" you asked him. Bill let go the hug and stand facing you "No, I'm the one who must asked you-" "Hey [y/n], who's ther-" Danny astonished. An awkward moment strike a while. Bill still hugged you, and he saw Danny. Danny saw Bill too. "[y/n] who is he?" Danny asked. "He is my-" "She is mine" before you could finish your words Bill cut your words and hugged you from your back in a protective way. "What do you mean?" Danny confuse. "he is my boyfriend, Bill" you said shyly. "Oww. I'm Danny, nice to meet you..." Danny said with a flat tone. "So.. I'll meet you someday. Bye" Danny get out from your home and you close the door.

"Are you okay [y/n]?" Bill hold your cheek. You blush again. "yeah I'm fine. Thanks Bill" you reply and hug him. "If he tries to bother you again, just call me, okay?" Bill said. "Hahaha thanks Bill" you said.

Then Bill gone home too.

Luckily when that happened your mom didn't see that your mom go back to the kitchen, so your mom doesn't know about Bill.

--time skip--

You are getting ready to sleep.

'Bill is my boyfriend...? Ha? It felt really weird.. Am I really dating with him?' you muse. You chuckle and blush a little, imagine that you and Bill being a couple.

Author's note:
So Danny is [y/n]'s ex boyfriend. I made [y/n]'s ex, Danny, based on my true story, when I was at highschool.

Thankyou all who reads and votes my story! :3
Hope you still enjoy my story♡

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