Chapter 28

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Bill POV

I sense something from above me while running.

[in Slow motion]
I turned my head up, I saw Shira. Instantly, I pushed Mabel and Ford,who is helping me to stand up and running, away from me. "Bill! wha-" With all the last power I have, I pointed my hand to shira and blast her. "Mabel!! get down!!!" Ford exclaimed. A big blast strike.

Mabel, Stan, Ford, and Dipper passed out.

Mabel POV

"AHH!!" Shira screamed, that's the last thing I heard before I passed out.


'Mabel! Wake up!'  I heard Dipper's voice echoing in my mind.

"MABEL!" Dipper yelled and shook my body. I opened my eyes quick. "Uhh! I'm up.. I'm up.." I said. I hold my head and then look around. I saw Grunkle stan pick up and carry [y/n] again, while Grunkle Ford looking for Bill.

I got up. "Come on, let's help Grunkle Ford to find Bill" Dipper said. I nodded.

We begin to search Bill's body.

"Come here guys! I found him!" I stated. We ran towards his body. "Bill!" I said. I saw his body laid down and I think he's already dead. "Oh no! no no no, please get up!" Ford said while shook Bill's body. "Now how can we get out from here?" Dipper worried.

Suddenly, a portal appeared near Bill's body. "Ah! Our ticket to get out from here!" I said.

"Come on guys!" Dipper said. Ford carry Bill's body and we are all get out from the dreamscape.


"Finally... home!" I said.

Stan laid [y/n] on the couch. Ford laid Bill on the couch across [y/n].

Dipper POV

"[y/n]..." I walk closer to her body and sit beside her. I caressed her face gently.

"[y/n] please wake up.." I said softly to her hear. Then I get up and leave her.

I saw Grunkle Ford was treating Bill's wounds and close the wounds with bandage. 'Bill looks horribly sick.. but, he did a good thing' I mused.

Author's note :
Enjoy! ^_^

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