Chapter 3

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You open your eyes and sitdown to your bed. You don't know where you are. It's all white.

Suddenly, a familiar boy sound appear. "Hello darling~" greet the demon, appearing in a human form and sit on the edge of your bed.

"I'ts you again. You said you won't come to my dream WITHOUT my permition?" you feel disturbed. He smirk and give you his 'I don't care or whatever' face. "You sly demon" You tease him. He chuckle.

"I'm bored..." he said. "Why don't you get some sleep? Aren't you tired?" you asked him. "Demon can't sleep.. Well... Unless when I'm in my human form." he said. "Then turn yourself into your human form" you concluse his state before. "But I don't want to. I want to see you again~" he smirk. You blush lightly. "You disturb me." You pinch him and give him an annoyed face. Bill chuckle lightly. You and Bill chat in your dreamscape until morning come. And Bill leave your dreamscape.

--time skip--

You come downstair, your grandma is sitting on the sofa while drinking a cup of tea and your mom preparing breakfast.

You help your mom and then eat breakfast together.

"Hey [y/n], today I'm gonna be out for a day with grandma, you wanna come with us?" asked your mom. "Mmm... Maybe no.. I want to explore Gravity Falls town more." you answer while taking a spoon of chicken porridge to your mouth. "Well okay then. I'll be home late, bring back up house key with you, so you can get inside the house by yourself." said your mom. You nodded and continue eating breakfast.
After that, you're getting ready for leaving the house. Then you leave the house.

'Hmmm.. Where should I start looking..' you mumble. Because you were confuse and don't know where to go, you just take a walk to nowhere.

You walk pass by the forest again, this time you don't get lost because you could see more clearly than when you at night.

Then something interesting caught your eyes. A house in the forest. 'Mystery Shack' you mumble reading board on the top of the house, It's a house for tourist.

You get inside the house. It's like a museum. But the property inside is not real, it's all fake. But, you don't know why many tourists still coming to see and spend their money in  Mystery Shack.

Suddenly, you hit someone. A boy, the same age as you(18 y.o.), he is wearing a red skirt with a dark blue jacket, a blue and white hat with a pinetree in the front of the hat.

The boy stumbled and fall with all the papers he brang. The papers fell everywhere. "OWW I-I'M SO SORRY!! H-here let me help you..." you said. "I-it's okay." he answer. You kneel down and help pick the papers. And give it back to the boy. "Thankyou." he said. You nodded and apologized once again to him. "H-hey, I've never seen you before, are you new here?" he glance at you. "Yea.." You answered hastily. Then you realize that a paper still on ground and then you pick it up and see the paper "Oww.. forgot this one... Wow you really like mystery things, that's really cool!" you see the paper, the paper is about a creature that is unknown and with a bizzare shape. He took take paper from you. "Yeah, do you like it too? If you like it, I'd love to show you many more mystery things!" He smiled to you. "Whoa I'd like to know more! Especially the mysteries of Gravity Falls. I heard that Gravity Falls have some world's biggest mysteries, that's really interesting to know!" you nodded and answered. The boy nodded "Hey.. I forgot to introduce myself first. I'm Dipper Pines, nice to meet you!" He shake your hand. "I'm [y/n], nice to meet you too Dipper!" you smile and shake back.

"So how about I'll show it to you now?" Dipper asked. "Okay!" You answer exitedly. You're about to follow Dipper into the forest.

"Hey, Bro-bro! What are you-" A girl scream and approach, her face look like the same with Dipper's. "And this girl who's screaming, is my twin sister, Mabel Pines." He introduced you. "Hi Mabel! I'm [y/n], Nice to meet you!" You smiled and waving your hand to her. "Hello [y/n], nice to meet you too!" she replied.

"Whoa Dipper is she your girlfriend??" Mabel smirk and tease him. "N-No, No, I-I've just met her, are you crazy Mabel??" Dipper blush lightly and become nervous. You chuckle a little, seeing Dipper acting nervous like that. "Anyway, [y/n] is curious about mysteries on Gravity Falls, so I'd like to show her some!" Dipper said, you smile. Mabel then nod. "I wanna come with you too guys!" She answered excitedly.

Then tou three left the Mystery Shack. And begin to journey to the forest, and have some fun with Dipper and Mabel.

Meanwhile, Bill is always watching on his 'doll'. Bill is at Mystery Shack watching her secretly, so nobody knew he was there.

Bill's POV

'Where are they going now..' Bill humming. Bill follow [y/n] and her friend.

'Arrgghhh! Why is she playing with my enemy... especially with Pine Tree..' Bill muse and get angry

--time skip--

Your POV

After looking for mysteries with Dipper and Mabel, you walk with them back to the Mystery Shack.

"Woah.. that was so cool! I had a lot of fun with you guys! Thankyou guys!" you smile to them. "Your welcome [y/n]" Dipper answer. "If you wanna hangout with us again someday, just come to Mystery Shack, [y/n]" Dipper said. You nodded. "Hey how about tomorrow? My friends, Grenda and Candy, will be at the Mystery Shack too, We are going to have a sleepover! You wanna join us [y/n]??" Mabel asked you excitedly. "Sure! I'll just have to ask my mom first" you said.

Then, you three arrived at Mystery Shack, the time now is 2 PM.

"Eh, kids! Where have you been?" an old man(not to old) drinking a can soda, his voice coming from the living room in the Mystery Shack. "We were just going to the forest looking for something interesting." Dipper reply him. "That's our grunkle Stanley" Dipper pointed the old man to you. Stan looked at you, you smile and greet him, "Hello!" you said. "Grunkle stan this is [y/n]" Dipper introduced. Stan just wave to you. Than, another old man approach in the living room, he's look similar to Stan, but looked more like a nerd or geek. "And that's our Grunkle Ford! Stan's twin brother." Mabel said to you. Ford looked at you, "Hello! nice to meet you." He said. "Grunkle Ford this is [y/n], [y/n] this is Ford!" Dipper introduced. You smile and shake his hand. You amazed about his six fingers hand.

"I'm hungry" Mabel said. "yeah me too. Hey [y/n] are you hungry?" Dipper said. "Mmm.. yes a little.." you reply. "What's on the kitchen?" Dipper asked Stan. "Nothing" Stan reply with his eyes looking at the TV. "aw what? In the fridge?" Mabel opens the fridge, and there's a sausage, milk, parsley, onions, cheese, and a raw pasta. "Ahh.. I can't cook! I wish I could cook" Mabel said sadly.

"I can cook! Here let me cook it for you guys!" you said. "TEACH MEEE!" Mabel said. "S-Sure!" you reply. Then, you and Mabel cooking a pasta together. And after that you eat lunch with the Pines family.

After this, you say goodbye and Thanks to the Pines family, especially for Dipper and Mabel who make your day fun.

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