Chapter 8

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You open your eyes.

"Morning darling~" Bill rest beside you, his face is just a few inches from you. You startlet and flinch from him and almost fall from your bed.

"Whoa slowdown cutee, I got you" He hold your body so you won't fall. Then he pull you closer.

"Bill how'd you get inside my house?" You asked with whispering. "I can get in whenever I want" he smirk. "Besides, since you're my girlfriend now, I wanna greet you every morning" he smiled then kissed you. You blush. It's true, last night when Danny came to your house, you said to Danny that you are Bill's girlfriend. "Well we are not officialy dating, right?" you said. "yes we are~" Bill hug you tighter. Well, it's kinda right that you're like a couple a lot.

You get up and streching. "Uh.. Bill, if you come to my house again, make sure that my mom or my grandma doesn't see you" you warn him. "yes of course darling" Bill reply. "I'm gonna go downstair, if you still wanna stay here(my bedroom), it's okay" you said. "Nope, now I have something important to do in my world, so see ya sweetie~" He kissed you on the cheek and disapearing.

--time skip--

You and your mom go to the Gravity Falls lake, your mom wanna buy fish for eat.

You arrived. Then you get out from the car and your mom lead you to the fish market near the lake. When you walking into the fish market, you saw Mabel sit down at the
bridge that connect the coast and the lake.

"Hey mom, I wanna go there for a few minutes" you said. "okay" she reply.

You walk towards Mabel. "Hey Mabel, what are you doing? You seems sad, are you okay?" you said. "Oh, Hello [y/n]. I miss someone in this lake" Mabel said. "oww, who?" you asked and sit down beside her. "you might not believe it, My first kiss was at here when I was 12 y.o. I fell in love with a merman(mermaid man)" Mabel chuckle softly. "Whoa that's cool, how did it felt like kissing a merman? Is it like smelling a stink fish?" You chuckle. Mabel chuckle. "Well.. it kinda felt like that actually. But it kinda feel like an ordinary kiss too. Hahaha" Mabel chuckle. "I kinda really miss him" Mabel said. "Aww it's okay Mabel, maybe you can see him someday, in the sea... maybe..." you comfort Mabel.

"So [y/n] what are you doing here?" Mabel asked. "My mom wanna buy fish for eat at the fish market there" you pointed the fish market. "Oww. Grunkle Ford is there too now, he said that he wanna cook us a fish menu for lunch and dinner" Mabel said. "Whoa I didn't know a scientist can cook too, Hahaha" You chuckle. "So you wanna come to the Mystery Shack today?" Mabel asked. "Sure, I'm not doing anything today" you said.

You then go to the fish market and find your mom. And you tell your mom that you wanna go to the Mystery Shack with your friend Mabel.

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