Chapter 31

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"[y/n]...." Dipper called you. "Yea...?" You reply. "I LIKE YOU AND I THINK WE WERE MEANT FOR EACHOTHER!" Dipper said quickly and hia body instantly facing away from you.

Dipper blushed really hard, and he kinda scared to look you in the eye. You blushed too. A silence strike for a moment. At this point, you were really confused what to answer. You do like Dipper, but you liked him as a friend, and you never being so close to him like that. Besides, you were into Bill right now and you realky worried about him.

You bow down your head and sigh. "E-eh Hey.. D-dipper... I a-.." You looked up to see Dipper's face. His face was on fire because of embarassed and his face is a little sweaty. "I-.." you kinda feel bad if you rejected or say no to him. "I.. d-do liked you, but-" Suddenly Dipper grab your body closer to him and kissed you on the lips. You tried to push back but you can't, Dipper grab you really strong.

Then he let go of you. "U-uh! I-I-I a.. S-sorry [y/n].. It's happening instantly..." Dipper said it shyly. "A... Y-yeaa... I-It's fine.. It's totally fine.." You made a fake smile while blushing. "I know we were often to talk or chat or hanging out together, but when I saw you in the first place, I felt weird, like I wanted to be with you, you have such a sweet personality" Dipper explained. Your face become more red. "Uh.. thanks for the compliment, Dip" you said. 'Aww man! I can't say the truth! I'm too scared to hurt his feeling' you worried.

You two continue to walk to the Shack in silence. Finally, you arrived ar the Shack. It's 7 PM already.

"Dipper! [y/n]! Yay you're home! come sit here, let's have dinner together! I made you guys pasta!" Mabel called. There is just Mabel and Stan sitting on the chair. "Whoa Mabel you made these while we were gone?? That's so fast!" you said. "Mabel since when did you start to cook?" Dipper sit down on the chair.  You took a fork and spoon it to your mouth. "Ugh.." You mumble because of the food didn't taste good,you were holding the food inside your mouth. "What is it [y/n]? Is it good??" Mabel asked excitedly. "Y-yea...-" *Dipper and Stan cough* "O-hh y-yeah... really good.. Mabel" Dipper lied. He bow down his head and  holding his stomach.

"You guys were lying aren't you?" Mabel said. "No no, it's totally good- Yyea... we lied..." Stan said. "B-but it's not that bad! You just seasoned it too much, the flavour is too strong" Dipper added. You nodded, sign that you agreed with Dipper. "Oww.. sorry guys.. I ruined it" Mabel said. "I-It's okay mabel, You'll learn! I believe someday you'll master cooking" You smiled. "Aww thanks!" Mabel replied. "So let's have instant noodle for dinner!" Dipper said. Everybody agreed.

-- Time skip --

Night time. It's already 10.30 PM. You were about going to bed and sleep.

*you yawn* "You feel sleepy already [y/n]?" suddenly Mabel got into the bedroom. You, Mabel and Dipper sleeps in the same room. "Yeah" You replied. "Okay, good night [y/n]" Mabel said, she turned off the light for you and close the door. Mabel got out of the bed room.

Before you fall asleep, you were thinking about Dipper again. 'Aww man.. How am I going to tell him that I don't feel the same way, I just want him to be my friend. I really don't want to hurt his feelings... Hmmm...' you mused.

'I hope tomorrow will be a good time to tell him the truth..'

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