Chapter 4

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You left the Mystery Shack.

'Hmm.... mom said that she will be home late... if I go home now, I'll get bored..' you muse.

You walk to the town and see or do anything that could waste your time until your mom's home. Then you're getting tired. You sit on a bench near the bus stop sign. 'It's 6 PM already..' You muse again.

You call your mom.
Mom : "Hello..."
You : "Hey mom, where are you? Are you finish already? I'm waiting for you~"
Mom : "Oww sorry sweetie, maybe 1 hour more and I'll be back soon! Are you already have dinner?"
You : "No..."
Mom : "Don't forget to eat, Get something to eat sweetie! Bye!"
You : "Okay mom... Bye.."
End call

You kinda feel alone now and tired. You walk to the nearby restaurant. You get in the restaurant called "Greasy Diner".

You sit down to the one of the tables near the window. Then an old woman with one eye closed come to you, she's the waitres "Hello, may I take your order, please?" she said. You order [your favourite food] and a hot tea to make you relax.

Then, the drink come. You played your phone. And suddenly...

"Hello darling~" a sweet boy voice appear from in front of you, and you know who's sound it is.

You startled. "B-bill??!" You say it loud. "Sushhhh! Sshhh..." Bill calm you down and grab your face to face him with his hand. "These people cannot know me here, because of something... If I they know I'm here, I'll be dead!" He said seriously to you. You nodded. Bill release the grip from your face.

Then your food comes. "Here's your food, enjoy!" she said with smile. "I want to order again, please! for My friend here. I want a... What do you wanna eat and drink, B-" you aksed Bill. "Blake! My name's Blake." Bill cut your words instantly. "Ah, yeah, B-Blake. What do you want to eat and drink?" you asked. "truthly.. I never eat here.. so up to you.. I'll eat anything that you order for me!" He reply. "Okay" you answer. You ordered a fish 'n chips and a coke for Bill. Then the waitres go back to her place.

"I've never eat a human food before so.. I didn't know what to order.." Bill shugged. You nodded.

"So.. What are you doing here, Bill?" You start a conversation in a almost whispering sound. "Well.. I wanted to see you again, doll- um, I mean [y/n]" He answer. A silence strike you two.

Then the waitres come to bring food for Bill.

You two started to eat.

"Actually.. I'm worried about you [y/n]" Bill started talking. "Why should you worry about me?" you confused while taking a bite/spoon of your food. "You seemed to get along so well to the Pines family.. I don't like that" He answer. "You stalk me When I'm with them??! What is your problem with me?!" You started to get temper.

"You see... The Pines family are my enemy..." Bill said. "And.. you're the one who safe me.. And... I hate when watching you play with them.. I want to keep you safe.." Bill's golden eye look straigth to yours. You speechless and blush.

"B-Bill... I know I'm the one who safe you from that statue.. But.. I'm not yours... You can't control me.." You answered. "I-I didn't mean to control you.. I'm j-just..... jealous..." He blush. You blush too.

After that conversation, you two remain silence. Then you pay for the food and left the Greasy Diner with Bill walk by your side. You on your way to your home. Bill accompany with you.

The night sky is really dark and the wind blow. The road light isn't so bright and the town seems quiet, so you are a little bit hard to find your way home again and you're a little bit afraid.

Bill knew that you don't know the way to your home and you are afraid now.

He hold your hand and lead the way. You hold back his hand. You both blush. You remain silence, you know he knows where your house is and you know what he's doing now.

The wind blew harder, and a thunder sound appear. "It seems gonna be raining soon" Bill says. "Y-yeah..." You reply. You hold tighten to his hand. He knows, your afraid of the thunder too. "It's okay.." He smile. You blush and avoid eye contact.

you both walk faster, so you can be home as soon as possible.

You finally arrived home, you put the key to the door knob and open it. Before you opens the door, rain started to fall.

"Bill where is your home?" you worried about him. "In earth I don't have a home, my home is in the dreamscape" he said.

"Oww.. " you see the time now, it's 8 PM already and your mom still on the way home. "How about you stay at my home until my mom's back? then you can return to your dreamscape home" you asked. "Sure." He reply.

You both get in the house. You go to your room with Bill.

"I'll be back a few minutes" You go to the bathroom, take a shower and change your clothes.

"I'm done-" you look around your bedroom and Bill's not there. "Bill? Where are you?" you keep looking for Bill. "BOO!" "AAHHH!!" You scream. Bill suddenly appear in front of your face with his red eye to scare you. "Bill!! Why you scare me like that!" You a little bit angry. "Hahaha.. You look adorable when you get mad!" Bill tease you with a smirk. You glance at him with an annoyed face. And you started to chuckle too. "You.. evil demon" you tease Bill back.

You sat down to your bed, Bill sat beside you. "Hey Bill, why you hate the Pines family so much? They didn't seems so bad, they are nice people. And why are you cannot be noticed by the people in Gravity Falls?" You asked. "Well... If I tell you, will you promise that you won't hate me, deal?" He said. "deal" you reply.

"Well.. It all began from me.

I'm a demon, and my job as a demon is to make deals with human or anyone, they can wish anything but in return, they must obey my wish too. So we kinda switch wish that have an advantage to both of the dealers, but more espescially the advantage for me.

Most of time when I make deals with somebody, I kinda trick them in the end.

I've made a deal with Stanford pines, and I trick him. I tricked him because I needed his smart brain to help me know how to destroy and became the ruler of this earth. And I almost kill him.

I've made a deal with Dipper too, when he was 13 y.o. I'm possesing his body to take the journal 3 that belongs to Stanford, so I can know how to open a portal between my dimension and earth so I can rule this world.

Finally, I finally open the portal and destroy Gravity Falls. But I still can't got out from Gravity Falls because something keeping me in. Then I capture Ford and forcing him to tell me how to get out from this. And.. The Pines family with their friends try to take back the Falls and they destroy me, and I'm turning into a statue.

And... finally, you found me and safe me [y/n]" Bill end up his story.

"Why do you even want to rule the world Bill? Is that really important to you?" You asked. "No... I want to rule the world because I wanna prove to the other demon in my dimension that I'm powerful, so when they making fun of me/try to humiliate me, I killed them, and that still continue until now. And now, They respect me." His tone is serious, his eye becoming red. "Oww.. I'm sorry for asking you that." You said. And now you don't know what to respond or reply him.

"You.. won't hate me, right?" He asked you softly. "No...." You reply. "I know you maybe didn't mean for all that.. but... now.. you won't do it same like the past again, right?" You asked him hastily. "Nope." He answer quick. "Well that's good to hear" you smiled.

You and Bill continue chatting, until late night. Your mom hasn't return to home yet. You a bit worry about her.

You fall asleep on the demons shoulder, you didn't realize it because you're too tired. Bill noticed you fell asleep on his shoulder. He then lay your body to the bed and kissed your cheek.

Bill then make himself invisible to be seen by other peopl, except you. Then he sleep beside you.

Author's note :
Sorry for the bad English and spelling >.<
Hope you enjoy my story! :3

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