Chapter 30

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The next day

"Morning sweetie!" your mom greet you. You just woke up and went downstair. "Morning mom" you reply. You sat down on the chair.

"Here's the breakfast. Go tell grandma to have breakfast together" Your mom serve the plate on the table. You nodded and walk to your Grandma's room.

After what happened yesterday, you still thinking about Bill. You really want to see him.

"sweetie you looked sad. Are you okay?" suddenly your mom asked. "U-uh, y-yea.. I'm fine mom. Don't worry about me!" you made a fake smile on your face. "Are you sure? You look more silent since last night.. Or maybe you sick?" Your mom put her hand on your forehead. "N-no no.. I'm fine mom" You said. "what's on your mind, sweetie? If you wanna talk, I'm here for you.." said your mom. You just nodded and continue to eat.

- Time skip -

It's evening already, you were in your room all day, laying on your bed. Thinking about Bill, you were so worried about Bill.

Then, you get changed, took your bag and put in your clothes. You're going to the Mystery Shack again and stay for one or two  night there.

You go downstairs. "Mom, I'm going to my friend's house, I'm gonna stay overnight there!" you said loudly, cause your mom was on the bathroom. "Okay" She said.

You went out and walk to the Shack. The weather is windy and cloudy. 'better be hurry..' you mused.

You arrived, and saw the Shack's store is closed. You knock the door. Someone is opening the door.

"Hi [y/n]! Come in, come in" it was Mabel who opened the door. "How is Bill now? Is he okay?" You asked while entering the Shack. "I really don't know now. Grunkle Ford is taking care of Bill, and he doesn't want us to go to his room(the basement)" Mabel explained. "Oww..." you mumble. "yep" Mabel said.

"So.. Can I stay overnight here?" You asked. "Yea sure! Why not. By the way, Dipper's been looking for you all day, and I think he went to your house a couple minutes ago before you come here" Mabel said. "What..? Dipper? Why? I-Is something wrong?" you asked. "I don't know too.." Mabel said. "Maybe I should go find him" you said. "Yea sure" Mabel nodded.

Then you go to Mabel and Dipper room, put your backpack there and go outside the Shack.

You walked to your home to find Dipper. Then you pass through a weird old and abandoned house. You stopped walking and notice the house. "Wait.. that's weird... I never see this house when I passed through here..." you mumble.

Suddenly you saw Bill came out from the house. "BILL??!" You instantly bolted towards him. Bill's figure saw you and his hand was opening wide, ready to hug you. He smiled at you. Tear began to drop from your eyes. You ran faster. "Bi-"

"[Y/N]! HEY! DON'T GO THERE!" Suddenly someone grab your wirst and pulled you back. "NO! WHO ARE YOU STRANGER??! LET ME GO!! LET ME GO YOU-" "[Y/N] CHILL OUT! IT'S ME DIPPER!!" Dipper  pulled you even more closer to his body and gently rub your cheek.

"A-a... D-dipper..? W-what...? What happened..?" You asked. "That's a haunted house, that house is dangerous! It'll deceive your eyes so people will fall for that and then killed them!" Dipper explained, his face is blushing. Then he let go his grip on your wirst. "That house could move from one place to other" He continue. "T-thanks Dipper" You said. He nodded. "By the way, I was looking for you [y/n], so... I went to your home" Dipper said. "Is there anything wrong Dipper?" you asked.

"N-no, no.. Everything was just fine.. I-I a.. just wanna check you around if you're doing great.." Dipper said awkwardly, he is blushing. "Oww.. I'm fine Dipper. Thanks for worrying me" you smiled.

"So.. Okay.. Let me accompany with you to your home" Dipper said. "No, tonight I'm going to stay a night or maybe two at the Shack" you said. "so.. okay then, let's head back to the Shack!" He said.

On the way to the Shack.
You and Dipper didn't chat, only silence between you two.

"[y/n]...." Dipper called you. "Yea...?" You reply. "I LIKE YOU AND I THINK WE WERE MEANT FOR EACHOTHER!" Dipper said quickly.

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