Chapter 23

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Mabel POV

"Alright so... what then? Do you already have a plan?" Bill asked. "No.. We tried to look for clues but there isn't any clue" I answered. Stan put his hand on his chin like thinking position.

"What if they missing because they were kidnapped?" Stan give an opinion. Me and Bill looked to eachother confused. "I mean, they wouldn't be gone in the middle of a heavy stormy rain and without leaving a note or something like that, right??" Stan explained. "That kinda make sense, Grunkle Stan" I said. "Hmm.. I can read or see the past for sure" Bill said. "Well why don't you said so Bill, do it!" I said. Bill nodded.

Then, Bill close his eye and his mouth began to chanting some kind of magic spell or something. After a moment, Bill woken up. He opened his golden eye and looked at us. "Well? What is it?" Stan asked. "They were all kidnapped. And the kidnappers, they were demons" Bill said. "What??!" I said unbelieving. "I knew about the demon who kidnapped them. And I think I know why they kidnapped [y/n], Dipper, and Ford.. Well this is mostly about [y/n]..." Bill explained.

"What about her??" I asked curiously. "Well.. it's kinda long story.. I kinda lazy to storytelling it" Bill said. "So we better be hurry before they do something bad to them" Stan said. "I agreed" Bill said. "Alright! So.. where are them now, Bill?' I asked. "I think they were in the mindscape" Bill said.

"Buckle up guys! Hold my hands!" Bill said. Me and Stan do what Bill said. We hold hands and in a blink of an eye, we already dissapearing from the Shack. And suddenly we appeared in a somekind a house?

"Whoa.. Are we here? This place is nice and big! Uu also elegant and sparkling" I said. "Sshhh!! Keep it down!" Stan whispered. I nodded. "Carefull, this place may not be as nice as it looks." Bill warned us.

Then we started to sneak into every room we passed to looked for Dipper, [y/n], And Ford. It's kinda desperating, because there is so much doors, and we've been looking for them about 2 hours. "Bill! Are you sure this is the right house?" I asked in a whispering. "Yea, I'm sure! I sensed [y/n] was here" Bill reply. "Could you track to where excactly [y/n] was?" I asked again. "Hmm I'm not sure... But let me try it" Bill said.

Then Bill closed his eye and start to focusing his mind to find [y/n].

Bill POV

I closed my eye and focusing to think about [y/n].

'[y/n]... [y/n]... [y/n]...'
' [y/n]...'  I kept chanting her name in my mind.

Your POV

(in your dreamscape)
You were in a black void, there's only you in  your own dreamscape. You were walking and running nowhere, because everything was pitch black. Your expression is sad and worried, you really wanna go out from this void.

"[y/n]... [y/n]...." suddenly a voice called your name. "[y/n]..." That voice again.

You recognized that voice. "Bill!" You mumble. "Bill! w-where are you.. I-I'm scared.." You said and look around you but nothing there. "[Y/n]! I'm so glad you're okay sweetie! I'm here! I'm here! Calm down okay, we're trying to save you now. Don't worry okay? I'll save you, I promise that" Bill said sweetly. "O-okay" You were a little bit cried. "Now, where are you [y/n]? I mean where are your body?" Bill asked. "I don't know excactly where am I now, But the last thing I remembered they took me into a comfy bedroom. And also, Not only me who got captured, I think Dipper and Ford got captured too! You have to save them too Bill, please" You reply. "Okay okay. Just don't worry kay" Bill said calmly. "Okay... thanks Bill" You smiled. And suddenly Bill doesn't reply or said anything again.

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