Finding Jude.

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Callie's Point of View

I came to this new house 3 weeks ago with three other kids in it. Everyone there is pretty nice especially their eldest son, Brandon. We have a really great connection. I am starting to really like him! I started at a school called Anchor Beach. it is ok but I really just like hanging out with Brandon. Too bad he has a girlfriend.

It is lunch and I can't get my mind off of Jude so I start to walk off campus to go find him. All of a sudden Brandon stops me.

"Where are you going Callie?" He asks and I just put my head down. "Callie?" before I say anything his phone starts ringing. "This random number has been calling me all damn day!" I look at the number and it is Jude. I rip the phone out of his hands and answer.


"Callie! come quick!" is all he says and hangs up. I start to walk away when I remember Brandon is standing there.

"Who's Jude?" he asks.

"My little brother."

"You have a brother?!" he exclaims.

"Yes and he is with my abusive foster father!" I say and start walking away.

"Wait!" he runs up beside me and walks at my pace. "I am coming with you." I smile when he says this.


Brandon point of view

We get to this old house in a bad neighborhood. It looks awful here! I feel bad for Callie and her brother. I am starting to really like her a lot!

She tells me the plan and I go to the front while she is in the back. I knock and a man who looks to be in his 40s and drunk answers the door.

"What do you want boy!" yup he's drunk!

"I was wanting to know how to get to the gas station from here..." I say trying to not sound scared.

"It is that way." he says pointing down the street. I see Callie make her way towards a little boy which I am guessing is Jude. The man then turns around. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" He yells at Callie.

"I need to get Jude." she says calmly. The man goes into a draw and pull out a gun.

"Whoah!" I say and step in between the gun and Callie and Jude. Callie grabs my arm to pull me back but I stay where I am and keep them behind me.


"Sir you need to put the gun down!" I say back at him. Just then my mom and dad run in with guns. I look at them then hear a gun shot. I feel a pain in my stomach and I fall to the ground and black out.

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