Heart Broken

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Callie's Point of View

We get home and no else is back yet. I walk into the kitchen and pull out something to eat.

As I am making my sandwich Brandon comes behind me and kiss my neck. I let out a small moan when he hits my sweet spot. I can feel him smile into my neck. He keeps kissing my neck and I turn around so my lips crash into his. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me upstairs with our lips still locked.

Once we get into his room he shuts and locks the door. He lays me down on his bed and gets on top of me and kisses me passionately. I love him so much but I don't think I can do this now.

"Brandon." I say pulling away.

"Yeah." he says looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

"I love you, so much! but I can't do this right now." he give me a slight nod and gets off.

"I understand! I don't want to force you into something you don't want to do."

"Thank you!" I say and give him small kiss in the lips. I get up and go downstairs to finish making my sandwich I started earlier.

I am in the middle of cleaning up when everyone walks into the house. Marianna and Jesus are yelling at each other, like always, and Lena and Jude walk in behind them with widen eyes. I let out a little giggle when I see them.

"Hi." Brandon says coming downstairs. He looks really worried. Something must have happened. I give him a worried look but he just looks away from me.

"I am going to start dinner!" Lena says and walks to the kitchen. Everyone goes upstairs and Brandon and I go into his room.

"So..." I say when he closes the door. "what should we do?" I asks him.

"I need to talk to you." he says seriously. I can tell something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask him concerned.

"I can't do this anymore." He says not daring to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask feeling tears building up in my eyes.

"I mean...I just..." he says and I can see he is in a lot of pain.

"Brandon what happened?" he still looks down. "Did someone make you do this?!"

"No." he says shaky.

"I thought you loved me! Brandon, please!" I start bawling.

"I am so sorry!" he says and gets up and walks out. I just sit there stunned.


Brandon's Point of View

I am hurting right now! I got a text earlier from someone.

'Break up with Callie or I will kill her and anyone else you love! -L'

I didn't know who it was but when I read the L at the end I knew it was Liam. I responded a couple of times but it was the same so I knew what I had to do.

I have locked myself in the bathroom and I am on the ground bawling my eyes out. I love her so much and it sucks not being able to be with her! What hurt the most is seeing her so sad when I said it.

I never wanted to end it with her but I have to protect her and everyone else! I will still keep and eye on her and protect her with my life.

"I need to use the bathroom!" I hear Jesus yell from the other side of the door.

"Hold on!" I yell back. I think I said it a bit weird because Jesus notices.

"Dude are you ok? you don't sound good!" he say. I swing the door open and look straight at him. "Were you crying?" he asks and I still have tears falling down my face. "Go I'm my room now!" Jesus says and I walk in and see Jude sitting on his bed.

"Are you ok Brandon?" Jude asks so sweetly.

"You need to go check on Callie. please." I tell him he nods and goes out of the room. Jesus walks in and shuts the door.

"Why the hell are you crying?" he asks we worriedly. I never thought I would see emotion like this from Jesus.

"Do get all weird and don't tell anyone what I am about to say." He gives a slight nod and I continue. "Callie and I were dating secretly for a couple of weeks now."

"Woah! what?!"

"Let me finish." He nods and I tell him everything from the text and how Liam threatened everyone.

"What are you going to do?"

"Protect her. I would rather not be with her and have her be safe then be with her and her in danger anytime she goes out." I say with tears pouring down my face.

"I can tell you really love Callie!" I just nod and we hear a knock on the door. Jesus gets up and answers it. I look up and Jude comes in.

"She is a mess. She wouldn't tell me anything but she is talking to Mari right now." I nod my head and let more tears fall. "Brandon I don't know what happened but I haven't seen Callie like this since our mom died. It must be really serious." I can tell he is really worried for his sister. I put my arms out and he hugs me.

"DINNER!" I hear Lena yell but no one goes. Everyone stays how they are.

Lena finally gets annoyed and comes up. She comes into Jesus and Jude's room first.

"I said dinn- Brandon. Why are you crying?" She asks sitting down next to me.

"I am fine." I get up and walk downstairs. I see mom in her uniform setting the table.

"What's wrong B?" she asks me.

"Nothing. I am going out." I say and walk out. I walk to the beach and sit under the tree, that I go to with Callie a lot, and think.

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