Dealing with it

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Brandon's Point of View

"She was shot...she didn't make it."

I can't believe my mother is dead!

"Oh my god! Brandon!" I hear Callie say but I can't move. "Brandon come here." I fall on to her and I sob. As I am bawling I can hear her soft cries on my shoulder.

She doesn't say anything. She just rubs circles in my back. I am so glad she is here with me right now.

We sit there for I don't know how long, just crying in each other's arms.

"B, we should get to the house, to see everyone." she says sniffling. I nod sadly and stand up. She comes up to me and wraps her arms and rest her head on my arm and we walk out. "are you ok to drive?" She asks sweetly.

"Yeah." is all I say. I get into the car and she gets in the passenger seat and we drive off.

When we get to the house I pull up to the driveway and just freeze.

"Hey, lets get inside to see everyone." She tells me grabbing my hand.

"Ok." I look at her and she has sadness and love in her tear stained eyes.

We get up and walk inside the house to the twin and Jude bawling in the living room.

"I will be upstairs."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Callie asks.

"No you sit with them." she nods and walks towards Jude and the twins. I go upstairs into my moms room. Her bed is perfectly made and her stuff is cleanly put away. I walk into her closet and all I can smell is her. I start sobbing and fall down by her clothes. I lean against them and take in her sent.

I am there for I don't know how long until I hear footsteps.

"Can we join you?" Jesus asks with Marianna, Jude and Callie by his side.

"Yeah..." I nod and they come sit by me. Callie sits in my arms and Jude and Marianna sit in Jesus' arms. We all sit there taking in her sent and bawling our eyes out.


Ok so I know it's sad,and short, but I was in a bad mood last night because a bunch of stuff is happening right now in my life, so in result I got this. I hope you guys like it!

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