The Devil HImself!

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Marianna's Point of View

      I am really worried about Callie! She hasn't come out of our room in two days. Everyone asks me what's wrong with her because I am the only one she talks to. I haven't said anything that happened between Brandon and Callie but everyone is figuring it out because Brandon is staying at Mike's and he is doing the same thing. I am kind of pissed at Brandon because he broke Callie's heart and he doesn't even have a reasonable explanation to why he did it!

          I am home alone with of course Callie until I hear a knock on the door. I slowly walk up to the door and peak through the small peep hole to, surprisingly, see Brandon standing there with a worried look on his faced.

"Brandon?" I say surprised. He pushes past me and passes back and fourth,

"Where's Callie?" he asks with the look of fear in his eyes.

"She's in her room. What's wrong B? You're scaring me!" I say seriously and hear him sigh but freak again.

"Have you checked on her lately?"

"Last time I saw her was when I brought her breakfast." I hear him mutter 'shit' and his eyes go wide and he runs upstairs and follow close behind. He barges into mine and Callie's room to see it...empty!


Brandon's Point of View

         I was sitting in my room, like I have for the past two days, when I got a text.

"Good job leaving Callie! Now no one can protect  her! -L" I quickly jumped up and ran out of my dad's house. I got in my car and sped to my moms'. I barely stopped the car when I jumped out of the car. I eagerly pounded on the door. A few seconds later Marianna opened the door.

"Brandon?" I shoved myself into the house and walk towards the stairs.

"Where's Callie?" I am starting to get really worried.

"She's in her room. What's wrong B? You're scaring me!" I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding but I sucked it back in.

"Have you checked on her lately?" I ask getting scared again.

"Last time I saw her was when I brought her breakfast."

"Shit!" I mumble and run upstairs. I slam their room door open and she is nowhere to be seen. I see a small note on her bed. I pick it up and read it.

'Dear lover-boy, Foster family or who ever may be reading this,

By now you can tell that Callie is gone, don't try to find her. She is happy now; with me! Oh and Brandon, thanks for the help!'  After I finish reading it I almost faint! He lied to me!

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" I scream.

"What the hell happened to Callie?!" Marianna asks me. I look at her with tears streaming down my face. I crumble the note and through it on the ground. I go into my room and pick up my baseball bat and hit all of my belongings. I smash my lamp, my keyboard, my desk, pretty much anything that can be broken or shattered into a million pieces is destroyed. I slide down my wall sobbing. I look over and Marianna is standing there with a terrified look on her face.

"Brandon?" she asks sacredly. I then hear the front door and Lena yell.

"Mari! Callie! I'm home!"

"Mom!" Marianna yells and I hear foot steps run up the stairs. I just sit there against the wall and sob.

"What the hell?!" I keep my head down and don't dare to look at anyone.

"Brandon?" I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and see its Mari's hand. She has the note in her hand and I can tell she read it. I look at her and she gets down to my level and I cry into her shoulder. My Callie was taken and i it is all my fault!


I hope everyone likes this story! Please comment you feedback! <3 <3




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