Birthday Surprise

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Ok so I am going to start this chapter 2 years after the last chapter. So it is Callie's 20th birthday, Brandon is still in New York for his last year at Julliard before him, Melissa, and J come and move back to California for their record deal. Hope everyone likes it!


Callie's Point of View

   Today I am turning 20! I woke up to the smell of bacon. I am still living with Lena, Jude, and the twins until Brandon comes back. I tiredly go downstairs and walk into the kitchen and sit down.

"Happy Birthday Callie!" Jude yells and hugs me.

"Thanks!" I say back and eat the food he put in front of me.

"Callie we are going shopping today!" Marianna squeals.

"Really?" I say raising my eyebrows.

"Yes and we are getting you a nice dress!"

"Ok, when are we leaving?" I ask.

"Well since its 11am we will leave after you finish eating and get ready!" I can tell she is excited about something but I don't know what. I nod and finish eating. After I run upstairs and get ready. I look over and my phone starts ringing. I get really excited because it is Brandon calling.


"Happy Birthday Cal!" he says with a huge smile.

"Thank you!"

"How's your day been?"

"I just woke up and now Marianna is taking me shopping."

"Oh well you deserve to get something nice for your birthday!"

"I know, but the only thing I want is to see you."

"I know! I wish I could see you too but I couldn't make it." He tells me with a sad smile. "Well I have to go but I will talk to you soon! Ok."

"Ok, Bye!"

"bye!' he says and we hang up. It really sucks to not see him! But he is moving back here to California soon!

I finish getting read and meet Mariana downstairs. Lena took Marianna and I out to get our driver licenses when Mari turned 16 so now we both have it. I get in the drivers seat and drive off to the mall. When we get there Marianna pulls me into The Daisy Shoppe.

"Try this dress and that, and that one, and that one!" she says handing me dresses. I nod and go into he dressing room. I put on the first one is a short lace dress with long sleeves. I walk out and Marianna shakes her head, I agree and go back into the room and try on the next one. I put on the next one and fall in love with it! It is a short strapless dress with a sparlky waist band. (AN imagine her dress she wore to Marianna's quince but short.) I walk out and Marianna's mouth drops. "That's it!" She says and claps her hands together. "Now we just need shoes!"

We pay for the dress and walk over to Nordstrom.

'What shoes do you want?" she aks me.

"I just want chuck taylors." I admit.

"That would work!" it surprises me when she says that. "Just get the black ones!" I quickly try on the black and they fit so we pay for them.

We go to the café and eat.

"So why do I need this stuff?"  I ask.

"Because there is a surprise for you and you need to look nice!" she tells me with a grin on her face.

"Seriously? I don't need anything fancy!" I try to tell her.

"No! You will love this!" she laughs and little and we finish eating. "Ok its 3pm and you have to be ready by 6pm so we need to get home and get you ready!" I nod and we walk out to the car and drive home. The whole ride I am trying to figure out what the surprise might be..


After Marianna finishes my hair and make-up I go put on my dress and shoes. I look in the mirror and I actually look pretty! It's 6pm so Marianna comes into our room with a card in her hand.

"Here is part of your surprise!" she hands me the note and it says 'Callie' on the front.

'Follow the instructions below to get to your surprise!

Go the spot you first fell in love.'

I smile and look at Marianna. "You better follow it!"' she grins at me and I run downstairs and out the door. I walk to the spot on the beach where I first said 'I love you' to Brandon.

As I come closer I see the spot glowing. There is a small table and a person standing facing me. I come even closer and realize its Brandon! I start to tear up.

"Brandon!" I yell towards him and run up and hug him.

"Surprise!" Brandon whispers in my ear. "Before we move on.." Brandon pulls away and look straight at me and gets down on one knee. "Callie, the second I saw you I knew that I was falling in love with you and I have known all along that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." he pulls out a small box and opens it to a beautiful ring. "So Callie Marie Jacob, will you do me the extraordinary honor of becoming my wife?" He asks and I have tears streaming down my face.

"Yes, Yes!" say over and over and he slips the ring on my finger and stands up. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. This is the best night I have ever had!

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