"I love you."

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Brandon's point of view

3 weeks later

I got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago and am recovering. I haven't really talked to Callie since that night and she is avoiding me now. I really wonder what I did. I am having a hard time because I think I might be in love with her.

"Hey baby!" Talya says from behind me.

"Hi." I say a little sour.

"What's wrong?" she asks. I see Callie walk across the courtyard.

"Nothing. I just have to go!" I say and run after her. "Callie wait!" I yell after her. I finally catch up to her and grab her arm.

"What?" she asks me.

"We need to talk!" I say out of breath.

"About what?" she asks like she is dumb.

"About that night Callie!" she takes a deep breath and stops.

"I am sorry you got shot! I still feel horrible about it!"

"It's not your fault!"

"Well thank you for protecting Jude and I then." She says and I see her tearing up.

"I would do it any day! Callie, I have been wanting to tell you something since that night and I haven't been able to say it to you yet."

"What is it?" she says trying to not let the tears fall.

"I am in love with you..." I see her mouth drop.

"Brandon I-" she starts to say but I cut her off.

"Callie, I have been falling in love with you since the second I saw you!"

"No. You don't love me! No one does! I am just some no good girl that you feel bad for so you are just saying this to make me feel good! Then you will get a new toy to just through around with!" she says like stuff like this has happened to her before.

"I am not like that! You are an amazing girl and anyone would be crazy to not love you and treat you well!" I see tears pouring down her face and I let a couple escape me eyes. "I love you." She turns her head away from me.

"I have to go!" she runs off towards the house and I am left standing there crying.

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