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Callie's point of view

I see Brandon fall to the ground and I scream and run to him. My foster father points the gun at Brandon's mother, Stef, but she shoots him. I am holding Brandon's hand trying to get him to stay with me. I haven't known him long but I feel like I have known him my whole life. His eyes are barely open.

"Please stay awake!" I try to say calmly with tears falling down my face. He breathes in and closes his eyes.

"Callie step back!" Stef yells and she pushes me out of the way and I just stand there bawling. Jude comes behind me and hugs me.

The ambulance comes in and puts him on a stretcher and wheels him off. Stef gets in the back of the truck with him and her partner takes us to the hospital.

"Hi your name is Callie right?" the man asks with tears going down his face. I just nod. "Ok. I am Mike, Brandon's father." great!

"I am so sorry! I told him not to come with me but he just had to! He stepped in front of me and Jude to protect us but he got shot!" I say in one breath and put my head in my hands. I feel terrible about it!

We get to the hospital and go inside. I see Stef right away and she stands up and walks over to me.

"Callie this isn't your fault!" she hugs me and I sob into her shoulder.

"It is my fault! I am so sorry Stef!" she hugs me tighter.

"No! he chose to protect you two!" I cry


By now the whole family is here and we are all waiting to hear about Brandon.

A doctor comes over to us and starts talking.

"He is stable. He should be fine the bullet didn't hit any organs. He is resting now but you may see him."

"Thank you!" Lena says and Stef and Mike go back.

I wait a while for everyone else to go in.

"Callie he is asking for you." Lena says and the rest of the family come out behind her. I nod and go back to his room.

I walk in and he is in a small bed with needles in his arms and machines all around him.

"Hey Cals!" he says with pain in his voice. At that moment I break down.

"Brandon I am so sorry about you getting shot! It shouldn't have happened! I am feel so ba-" I start saying but he cuts me off.

"No! None of this is your fault! I had to protect you because I-" he gets cut off by a nurse coming in.

"Mr. Foster, you should probably rest."

"Thanks!" He says obviously annoyed. She leaves and Brandon turns to me.

"I will see you tomorrow Brandon." I say quickly and leave. I really wonder what he was going to tell me but I am still scared.

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