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Callie's Point of View

Today Brandon, Melissa, Jacob, and I are going down to LA for a couple of days so they can record their album. Melissa and I are really good friends since I met her at the show. She is really cool and contested with me right off the bat! We also talk about Brandon and Jacob together. It's so fun!

"You ready?" Brandon asks me.

"Yup!" I reply and we drive off to go meet with Melissa and Jacob.

I don't know, but I feel like there is something happening between Brandon and I. He has been acting really weird since last night when my dad came.

"Hey B?"

"Yeah?" he replies still looking at the road.

"Is something wrong? I mean between us?" I ask.

"No. Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. You are just acting really weird!" I tell him.

"It's because I am nervous about today. that's it." I know that isn't it but I will just ask Melissa if she knows later.


(AN They carpooled with J (Jacob) and Melissa.)

Brandon's Point of View

I got really worried when Callie asked me of something was wrong. I had to lie to her! Her dad texted me last night and threatened to hurt Callie and Jude. I learned my lesson from Liam to not leave Callie again! I am just really scared for Jude at the moment. Since my mom isn't there to protect them I told my dad about it. I asked him not to tell anyone so they wouldn't get worried about it. He is just staying with them for awhile.

On the other hand, we get to LA and go straight to the recording studio. Our manager, Johnny Brookheart, greats us as we walk in.

"I am so glad The Outlaws came!" he tells us.

"Thank you for having us!" J says.

"Great lets get started!" we follow him to the back to record. He tells us where to set up and goes behind the glass with Callie.

"Ok so song one of the songs that I told you to write and we will see how it sounds. And Brandon, sing with emotion! it will sound good. And say your band name before you start." He tells us and we nod.

"We are The Outlaws." I say and begin.

"The Bad Days"

There are gonna be days when you hate me

There are gonna be days when I make you mad

There are gonna be days when you don't know what we're doing

Maybe some days you wish you could take it all back

There are gonna be days when the love is so thin

The days are a game that we just can't win

There are gonna be days you might want to be free

There are gonna be days that you hate me

But hold on strong

Don't let go

We'll carry on I know we can find a way

'cause you're still my girl in the bad days

There are gonna be days I haven't seen you for months

Nights when my lover is a basement club

There are gonna be weeks when you're all alone

Because of the days I'm chained to that open road

But I hope the years that we come up short

Are swallowed by the years that we make it work

I pray the times when our love is sweet

Outweigh the days that you hate me

But hold on strong

Don't let go

We'll carry on I know we can find a way
cause you're still my girl in the bad days

I put all the emotion I am feeling right now into the song, like he told me.

"Amazing! You guys have real potential! Lets take a small break! I have to take a phone call." he walks out the door and we come into the main area.

"Good job!" Callie says but I can tell something is bothering her. I look at Melissa and she can tell too.

"J, let's go to the...outside area!" Melissa pulls him off and we are left alone.

"Callie, are you ok?" I ask her.

"I-I just got a text from my dad." she tells me.

"What'd it say?"

"It said that I need to get Jude and come live with him. He told me he would hurt you if I didn't."

"No Callie! Don't listen to him! He isn't going to hurt me." I pull her to my chest. I really hope she doesn't get any ideas to run away to protect me!


Ok so that one just left off! But there will be good stuff happening in the next chapter!

Thank you to @KennedyWorley for the band name idea!

That song was The Bad Days by David Ramirez. Again a good song! All rights go to David Ramirez for the song!

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