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Ok again thanks everyone! And does anyone have any ideas for what Brandon's band's name should be? I suck at coming up with names! please help on that! now here is the next chapter


Brandon's Point of View

I just got to California for Thanksgiving break and the band has to be down here to record some of our new album. I will have to drive to LA a couple of the days but I don't mind cuz I will be staying with my family.

Our plane lands, in LAX, and Melissa, Jacob, and I get off the plane excitedly. They both live in San Diego too so they get to see their families also. Melissa and Jacob knew each other since freshman year in high school and of course met me at Juilliard.

We get out and head towards baggage clam and to see everyone. I come down the stairs and see everyone standing there excited. No one sees me yet except Callie. She gives me her million dollar smile and I see her tearing up. I get down and she runs to my arms. I pull her as close as I can. I breath in her sent that I missed so much. We break apart and hugs Melissa and Jacob. (Melissa and Callie have became really great friends since they met.)

I go over and hug everyone and when I get to Jude he looks really excited.

"I have to tell you something Brandon!" he says pulling me to the side.

"What is it?"

"I have a girlfriend." he whispers to me and I am shocked!

"What! How old are you again?"

"I am a freshman! remember!"

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Lacy, she is so amazing! But no one knows! You are the first person I told!"

"Way to go little one! When are you telling everyone?"

"I don't know... I am scared!"

"Jude you are 14 years old! there is no need to be scared! I will help, but we should tell them at dinner tonight." I suggest.

"Yes!" he smiles and we walk back to everyone. I love that kid! Jesus and I were never as close as Jude and I and I love having a little brother to take care of, its awesome!

We get back and Melissa and Jacob are with their families while I stand with mine. Callie comes up and hugs me again.

"What did Jude tell you?" she whispers in my ear.

"We will tell you later." I tease and she give me a look. I sigh and look at Jude, he gives me the 'if you say anything I will kill you face' and I know I can't say anything.

"You will have to ask Jude about that one!" I tell her and she sighs in frustration.

"He has been acting weird lately! He seems happier and he is always on his phone and is never home."

"He's fine! I promise you that!" I lightly kiss her temple and she smiles and leans her head on my shoulder.


It is late when we get home so Lena starts dinner and I go to Jude's room.

"You ready to tell?" I ask.

"Yes. Just stay by Callie just in case She has a freak attack! She told me she doesn't want me dating cuz she doesn't want me to get hurt."

"I will!" I nod and walk out. I get downstairs and help Lena set the table for dinner.

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