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Callie's Point of View

I know Brandon told me not to but I need to go! I don't want my dad to hurt Brandon or anyone else in the family. So while they were recording more songs I replied to my dad.

'I will, but Jude isn't coming!'

'Ok, Your in LA right?'


'If you tell me your hotel I will meet you outside of it'

'It's the Hampton Inn on Broadway. Meet at 11pm?'

'See you soon baby...'

I put my phone down I hope I made the right decision.

Later we got to the hotel and checked in. It was 6pm so we order room service and a movies. We watched Catching Fire and Frozen until 10pm then we went to bed. I, of course, didn't fall asleep. I waited for Brandon to fall asleep, then I got up and grabbed my stuff. I just look at him and decided to leave a note explaining what I was doing.

I place the note on top of his phone and quietly walk out the door. I get downstairs and see a black car across the street. I just look at it and sit on the street corner. I am sitting there when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Hey beautiful! Miss me?"

It's Liam!

"Where the hell is my dad?" I spit in his face.

"Oh he is just waiting for you in the car. How about you come see him..."

"No he comes to me!"

"Fine!" he walks away and pulls my dad out of the car. My dad is beaten and tied up. What the fuck is happening!

Liam and my dad walk up.

"Run!" my dad weakly yells I listen to him and start to move away. I see Liam push my dad on the ground and kick him on the side. I start running but I feel hands around my hips. I try to let out a scream but a rag covers my mouth and I slip into darkness.

Brandon's Point of View

I wake up and Callie isn't there. I guess she is in the bathroom. I sit up and look around. I see a small note on my phone. I quickly open it up and read it.

'Dear Brandon,

I am so sorry! I need to protect you and your family! I love you so much that words can't explain! You need to know why I am doing this and that you can't help me with it. I want you to move on and find a different girl to be with. I also need you to take care of Jude for me. I am sorry!

I love you, so much!


I have tears pouring down my face but the end of the note. I pull one clothes really quickly and run downstairs. I run out front of the hotel and her bag is stil sitting in the street corner. That isn't right! I see blood on the ground in the middle of the street and start to freak out. I pull out my phone and call my dad.

"Hey B!" my dad says happily.

"Callie's gone!"

"Wait what!"

"I mean as she left with her dad to protect us but her bag is on the street corner and there is blood everywhere!"

"Call 911. I will be there soon!"

I hang up and 911. I tell them what happened and they said they'd be right there. After I hang up I just cry. Why didn't I hear her leaving last night! I could have stopped her! I hear sirens and look up. I see the police speeding up. They get out and come up.

"Did you call 911?" they ask me.


"Ok please state what happened."

"My girlfriend and I have been getting threats from her father for a couple of days now. And yesterday she got one from her dad saying that she has to come live with him otherwise he will hurt everyone she loves. I guess last night she left but it doesn't look right."

"Why not?"

"Her bag is still right there and there is blood everywhere." I tell the officer.

"Is there anyone who would want to hurt her in anyway?" He asks. I sit there think for a second then it hits me.

"Yes, Liam Olmsted."


Hope you guys liked it!

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