Nothing Left

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Callie's Point of View

I feel dead inside! I feel as if my heart was torn out of my chest and stabbed right in front of me! I can't believe he did that. He just left me in his room by myself.

I stand up and go into mine and Marianna's room bawling. I shut the door and walk to my bed. Marianna is on her bed and sees me.

"Cals? are you ok?" she asks coming closer to me.

"No!" I say and cry into her shoulder. I am bawling for awhile until I calm down enough to tell her what happened. I explained everything about Brandon and I and how he just broke up with me.

"I am so sorry!" she says and hugs me tighter.

We sit there for awhile until I am well enough to go down for dinner. I am glad Marianna was there to help me.

We get downstairs and see everyone but Brandon sitting at the table. I go take my seat next to Jude and Marianna sits next to me.

"Where's Brandon?" Marianna finally asks.

"He stormed out of the house awhile ago. He said he is staying at Mike's." Stef tells us. We both nod and I keep my head down so hopefully no one sees my tear stained face; but that didn't work for long.

"Callie are you ok sweetie?" Lena asks me.

"I-uh..." I look over at Marianna. "I'm..." I start feeling tears build up in my eyes. Marianna grabs my hand. I just sit in silence. Everyone gives me looks but Marianna tells them not to asks.

As soon as I finish eating I excuse myself and go up stairs and lay in my bed and cry. This sucks!!!


Brandon's Point of View

I decided to go to my dad's place so I wasn't tempted to go to Callie. I really didn't want Liam to hurt Callie or anyone else so I will leave her. I just really am worrying about her. I know she is broken and hurt by this and I know how she feels. My dad keeps asking me what happened and why I am crying like a baby but I won't tell him. I can't choke out the words.

He gives up and leaves me alone in the guest room. I go to my phone and see messages from Marianna.

"I know about you two. Why'd you leave Callie? She is going crazy!" I read to myself.

I quickly respond "I can't tell you Mari! Just make sure she knows I am so sorry!"

This sucks! I can't say I love her but truly she is the most important person in the world to me and I don't even have words to explain how much I love her. I just want to hug and kiss her and hold her in my arms for the rest of my life. One day I want to make her Mrs. Callie Foster, but I don't know if that day will come.

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