The Funeral

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Brandon's Point of View

Today is her funeral. The past couple of days have been terrible! No one has been to work or school and we all sit around crying.

Since she was a cop and was killed on the job the academy is having a honorary funeral for her.

I look in my mirror and put in my tie. I have a couple tears going down my cheeks. I hear a knock on my door and turn to see Callie.

"Hey." she says sadly and comes over and fixes my tie.

"You look nice." I say to her.

"Thank you. Shall we go?" she asks and I nod. She grabs my hand and we walk downstairs. I can tell Callie is trying to be strong for everyone but I really know she is as devastated as everyone else.

We get into a car and drive off to the church. When we get there everyone comes up and tells me how sorry they are and ask me how I am feeling.The only reason I am sian is cuz Callie is standing next to me holding my hand, but that doesn't last long! The Captain of the Police department comes up to me and asks me if I am ok.

"Does it seem like I am ok! My mother is dead and you are asking me if I am on!" I yell and walk off to behind the church. I hear footsteps behind me but I don't stop. I lean against the side of the Church and cry.

"Brandon." Callie says sweetly. I look at her and she comes and sit a by me.

"You know you don't have to stay strong for us. You can break down too." I tell her.

"No. It's your mom. I need to be here for you and not freaking out myself."

"Thank you Callie. I love you so much!"

"I love you too!" she replys and I pull her in my arms. We sit like that for a while until Lena comes back and gets us.

"Kids. it's starting soon. let's get inside." We stand up and walk inside.

We sit in the pews and listen to the paster talk until it's time for speeches.

"We would like to have Callie Jacob come give a speech." Callie give my hand one last squeeze before she stands up and walks to the front.

"Hi. I know she wasn't my real mom but she had that affect on me. She treated me and Jude like we were her children. I feel like I have lost my mother all over again." I see a few tears go done her face. "She took care of us and made us be the best people we could be. She loves us with all of her heart! She told me once that she had 5 other hearts running around. She said they were us five kids. She was an amazing, beautiful, and strong women! I am really going to miss her!" she finishes and comes and sits next to me.

"Thank you. Next of Brandon Foster would like to give a speech." I stand up and walk to the front.

"I don't have much words about this. I was a surprise to...everyone! Instead of talking I am going to play a song I wrote for her." I walk over to the piano and sit. I take a deep breath and begin. I put my whole heart into the song. I put all the sadness and pain into the song and I really love how it sounds! I know that she would have loved it. I finish the song and stand up and everyone claps for me. I go back down to where Callie and the rest of the family is sitting and wait for the service to be over.

Callie's Point if View

Brandon's piece was amazing! I can tell he pull everything he had into it. After he finished he came and sat down next to me.

After the service we all got in cars to go to the barrel. We all stood around the whole as they lowered her in and we all cried. We stood in a huddle in each other's arms. There was not one dry eye at that moment. They finish and everyone starts to leave. It started to rain so there were black umbrellas all around. I started to walk off with Marianna and we get to the car but I see Brandon standing in the rain by himself.

"I will go get him." I tell Lena and walk into the pouring rain towards him. "B?"

"Me hat did you do when you lost your mom?" He asks me.

"Uh...I uh... I trashed my room. I went in there and tore everything to shreds and broken everything."

"You know Callie...the last time I was with my mom we were fighting. I didn't get to tell her I loved her one last time! I didn't make things right!" he starts bawling.

"Brandon, I know exactly how you feel! I didn't give my mother a goodbye hug because I was too stuck up and bratty to do so, and that night my dad was drunk driving and killed my mother and two others. I know what you are going through!" I tell him starting to cry too. I put my hands on his cheeks and look into his eyes. "We are going to get through this! I know your mom isn't mad at you still and she doesn't want you mope around all day! She wants you to live your life to the fullest! Just always remember that you have her in your heart and you have 18 years if memories with her!"

"Thank you!" he says and pulls me into a hug.

"Your welcome! now, let's get in the car, we are soaking wet!" he laughs a little! oh I haven't seen him smile in days! We then walk hand in hand back to the car.

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