4 Months Later

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Callie's Point of View

It has been a couple months since the fight and everything has been odd. After Brandon first got arrested they talked to the whole family and everyone but Tracy and my dad defended Brandon. I haven't talked to my father since that. He is such and idiot! But I always see the way he looks at Tracy. I know they have a thing!

But they dropped the charges and arrested Oliver for lying and because he said stuff to me and hurt me.

I am now 4 months pregnant and I my stomach is growing! I am getting so fat! We are going to find out if we are having a boy or a girl at the next appointment. I am really excited to find out! Brandon wants it to be a girl and I want it to be a boy.

Right now I am home alone because Brandon had to go to LA for the day, so I am just relaxing until Marianna and Jude come over.

I was watching The Notebook when I hear a knock on the door. I slowly get up and open the door and there stands my dad. I try to close the door in his face but he holds it open.

"Callie. please!" he say and I walk back.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I am moving away."

"That's great! Thanks dad! Thanks for throwing my husband under the bus and leaving me while I am pregnant! You are the best father in the world!" I yell in his face.

"I am sorry Cal."

"Don't call me that!"

"Ok. I am going with Tracy to Colorado."

"That makes this better!"

"What do you mean?" he asks stupidly.

"You have a thing with her! I see the way you look at her!" I yell.

"I am going to tell you the whole truth..."

"What is it?"

"Before your mother pasted, I was having am affair with Tracy."

"What?!" I say starting to cry.

"The night she died, I wasn't drunk driving. She caught Tracy and I and she hurt Tracy. I was driving her home and someone hit our car and she died instantly." I am bawling by now. I look over and see Jude and Marianna walk behind him.

"Get out!"


"I said get the hell out of my house!" I yell and he turns and leaves. I leave the door open and sit on the couch.

"Callie?" I hear Jude say. "Callie?" I just start bawling. Jude sits down next to me and holds me in his arms. "I heard what he told you." he says after awhile.

"I am sorry Jude!"

"You didn't do anything wrong!" I look at him and he is crying too.

"I love ya Jude."

"I love ya too Callie!" he hugs me closer and Marianna sits next to us.

We sit there for a but until I calm down.

"Now that we have finished that lets hang out!" Marianna says and we laugh. We end up renting This is the End and Spring Breakers. They are both really good! We ordered pizza and stuff. After we finished the second movie Jude and Marianna fell asleep. It was 9pm and Brandon wasn't home yet so I got up and called him.


"Hey B!"

"Hey Cals!"

"Where are you?"

"I am almost home so I will see you soon!"

"Ok love ya!"

"Love you too!" we hung up and I walked back into the living room and put a blanket over both of them. I also texted Lena and told her that they were staying so she wouldn't worry.

I went into our room and changed then I went out and waited in the kitchen for Brandon. After a couple minutes Brandon walks in the front door with a worried face.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought I saw Oliver outside." he tells me while locking the door.

"It was probably someone else."


"Ok well Jude and Marianna are asleep in the living room."

"Ok. Let's go to bed. I am tired!" he grabs my and and we go lay down and go to bed.


The next morning we woke up and made breakfasting and dropped Jude and Marianna off at the house before we went to the appointment.

"You ready?" Brandon asks me as we walk into the waiting room.

"Yes." I say smiling.

"Callie Foster." the doctor says and we follow her into our room. "So how are you doing Callie?" she asks when I sit down.


"Ok ready to find of it is a boy or girl?"

"Yes!" I say looking at Brandon. He grabs my hand and the doctor puts the stuff on my stomach and puts the machine on it. She moves it around and up comes our baby. I start to tear up and I look over at Brandon and he is doing the same.

"Well you guys...its a girl!" I start full on crying now and I hug B. "Congrats! She is healthy and doing great!" she finishes up and wipes my stomach off. "I will see you two next time!" she hugs us and we leave. When we get I to the car we just sit there.

"We are having a girl." Brandon says.

"Yeah!" I turn so I am looking at him. "I know what I want to name her."

"What?" he asks.

"Stefanie Colleen Foster." I say and a huge smile forms on his face.

"I love it!" he says and leans over and kisses me.

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