Leaving Again

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Brandon's Point of View

Today is the day everyone leaves. They were here for a week and it has been great having them here, but I really loved having Callie! I know that today she will be devastated. I quickly get dressed and go to the hotel.

I get there in about 20 minutes and run up and knock on Callie and Marianna's room door.

"Hey!" Marianna answers the door. "I am guessing you are here to see Callie?"

"Yes and no, you are my baby sister!" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"Don't get to emotional!" She tells me and I laugh. I look over and Callie comes out of the bathroom and give me a sad smile.

"Hey Callie, lets go for a walk." I suggest. She nods and we walk out of the door. I take her downstairs and we just walk on the sidewalk. "Are you ok?" I stupidly ask.

"No, I am leaving today..." she looks down at her feet when she says that.

"It will be ok! Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks and I will be down then."

"Yeah but that is in 2 weeks and you will be there for 1 week!" I see a tear fall down her face. I quickly wipe it away and push us to the side on the sidewalk.

"I know it's hard but the band got that record deal so we might need to be back in California. Then I will be 2 hours away instead of a 6 hour plane ride."

"Yeah." She slowly looks up at me.

"I love you!" I tell her with as much love as I can put into it.

"I love you too!" she replies and kisses me. We hold it for a couple seconds then pull back and walk to the hotel.

When we get back everyone is finished packing and are waiting for Callie and I to get back.

"Let's go! We have to be at the airport in 30 minutes!" Lena rushes everyone.

"I better finish packing." Callie says and pulls me to her room. I help her pack while everyone rushes around. We finally finish and get downstairs and check out and catch cabs to the airport.

We make it there on time and everyone checks their bags. I give each of them a hug and says goodbye. When I get to Jude I whisper in his ear.

"Remember your promise." he nod and I move to Callie.

"Bye! I will see you in two weeks." she states.

"Yes you will!" she pulls away and I kiss her forehead and they walk off. I watch as they keep walking. This is going to be a hard two weeks!"


Sorry pretty bad chapter!!!!!!!!!!!

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