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Brandon's Point of View

I am so happy right now! Callie and I can be together! The only bad is we can be public yet but I don't care! I get to be with her! It sucks at school because I don't have a lot of classes with her and when I am with her I can hug and kiss her and hold her hand. We drive to school early and go in the music room and practice or just talk. And at lunch we eat on the beach away from everyone else.

I am going to do something special for her and I am really excited about. I go into my room and sit at my keyboard.

"Hey B." my mom says coming in my room.

"Yeah?" I say looking up from my keyboard.

"How's your piano classes going?" She asks oddly.


"Because the teacher called your father and told him that he was pleased with how you were excelling. He said that he got a call from Juilliard, and they want to contact you. He said they wanted to give you a full scholarship for next fall. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I wasn't sure if I was going to take it."

"Why wouldn't you?!"

"I don't want to leave Callie here while I am in New York."

"You can just give up your dream for a girl!" she yells at me.

"I have more then one dream mom!" I yell back.

"And what is that exacting!"

"I want to be with Callie for the rest of my life!"

"Brandon...seriously! What about your career! I know love is great but how are you going to pay for a place for you two to live without a great job!"

"Mom just stop! You don't control what I do with my life anymore! I am turning 18 soon and I will start making my own decisions!" I start walking out of my room and downstairs.

"Brandon Foster! Don't you walk away from me!" my yells coming behind me. Everyone else is in the living room staring at us.

"I am not listening to you anymore!! You just want to control my fucking life and I am not putting up with that shit anymore!" I yell in my mothers face. I grab my keys and start walking to the door.

"Where the hell do you think you are going!"

"Anywhere but here!" I yell back and slam the door. I get in my car and start it and drive off.

Callie's Point of View

Everyone is left speechless at what just happened.

"Stef? What was that?" Lena asks.

"That boy is tho wing away his life!" is all she says before she walks up the stairs. Lena follows close behind her.

"What just happened?" Marianna asks coming next to me.

"I-I don't know." I say dumbfounded.

"Should we try to find him?" Jesus asks.

"Yes." I say back and start walking out the front door.

"Callie wait!" Marianna runs up behind me. "I'm coming with you!" I give her a sad smile and we start walking around.

He took his car so this might take awhile. I try calling him but he doesn't answer. I have texted him billions of time but nothing yet. When we don't see him anywhere I call his dad.

"Hello?" he answers.

"Hi Mike it's Callie."

"Oh hey Callie!"

"Have you seen Brandon tonight?" I ask.

"Yes. he came by earlier but just left a couple of minutes ago."

"Do you know where he was going?"

"He was coming to your house to get his stuff."

"Why is he doing that?"

"He said he is staying with me for awhile."

"Oh ok. thank you."

"Callie did something happen? he didn't tell me."

"Yes. He got into a huge fight with Stef."

"Oh. Well I will let you go. bye!"


I hang up and turn to Marianna.

"What'd he say?" She asks.

"He said Brandon going home."

"Ok let's go!" we start walking back home.

When we get back his car is in the driveway. We run inside and I go straight to his room. I look in and he is packing he bags quickly.

"Brandon." I say. He looks up at me .

"Callie I am so sorry!" he says tearing up.

"Brandon what happened?" I asks coming closer to him.

"My mom and I got into an argument."

"I saw that! Why did it make you leave?"

"Can I tell you later? I need to get of of the house."

"No! you can tell me now!"

"Fine! I was offered a scholarship to Juilliard and I told her that I wasn't sure about it and I told her I wanted to stay with you and she got all crazy telling I was throwing my life away if I was with you so I got angry and stormed out." he says in one breath. He has tears streaming down his face.

"B." I say starting to cry. I step closer and take his hand. "I want you to take it! I want you to live your dream."

"You are my dream too."

"Yes but we will find each other again. I promise!" I lean closer and he rests his forehead on mine.

"I love you Callie Jacob!"

"I love you Brandon Foster!" I say back and give him a small but passionate kiss. We pull away and he turns and finishes packing his stuff.

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