Dress Shopping

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ok so on my Instagram account, @bralliespoby_lover, I posted a video of what Callie's dress, hair, shoes, the bridesmaid dresses, groom and groomsmen outfits, the flowers, and the location (which is in the backyard) I really wanted them to have a causal and vintage wedding so please go look at that. I love how my image of it turned out! I got all the pictures off of google images. So here is the next chapter!

Callie's Point of View

Today Lena, Melissa, Marianna, and I are going dress shopping for me since the wedding is in a couple of months. We decided on April 5 for the date and it is November so I have about 5 months until the wedding so we have order my dress.

We pick Melissa up from her hotel and drive to the store. When we get there we get in and a consultant helps us look around and get the dresses. She asks me a bunch of questions about my style and when the wedding is and what the theme will be. I tell her all about it and she starts helping me look for dresses. We pick put a couple and everyone else does the same. I end up with a bunch of dresses in the back and I go try them on.

Ashley, the consultant, helps me into the first dress. It is beautiful but not for me. I shake my head and we go to the next dress.

"Are you going to show us some dresses or not?" Melissa asks from outside the room

"Just let me get it on first!" I yells back. We get the next one on and it is a ivory lace dress with a keyhole cut out in the back. I walk put and everyone smiles at me.

"You look great!" Marianna tells me.

"Thanks but I don't like it."

"Well ok!" Lena says and I walk back in the room for the next dress.

We try on 5 or 6 other dresses before I find it! I slip it on my body and she laces it up. It is a strapless lace dress with buttons down the back. It is a little bit plan so Ashley adds a diamond belt around my waist and I fall in love with it! I actually start crying! It is the first (and last) time I have cried about a dress! I feel so beautiful in it and it is starting to become a reality that I am marrying Brandon!

"You love it don't you?" Ashley asks me and I nod wiping my tears. "Lets show your family!" We walk out and everyone's mouths drop. I step in front of the mirror and look at myself. I love it!

"My baby! You look so beautiful!" Lena tells me and runs up and kisses my cheek and hugs me.

"I am speechless!" Marianna says and we all laugh.

"Then we know it is the dress! Marianna is speechless!" Melissa says and we laugh. "Are you crying Cals?"

"Yes." I admit. "I love this so much!" I wipe my tears away and we have a group hug. They take my measurements and I change. We pay for the dress and some white heels to go with it.

Afterwards we pick out the dresses that Marianna and Melissa are wearing and we get Lena a dress. Then after all the shopping get lunch and head back to the house.

"Hey! How was shopping?" Brandon asks when we walk into the house.

"Great but you aren't getting details!" I tell him and give him a peck on the lips and walk upstairs into Brandon and I's room. I have been with Brandon in his room until we find an apartment to live in.

"So I found a couple of places while you guys were gone..."

"Great! Let's see them!"

"They are all in our price range and are fairly close to here." He pulls up a gorgeous apartment that overlooks the beach on his computer. "This one is my favorite!"

"I love it!" I tell him while looking through the pictures. It has hardwood floors and a fire-place. "Do we get to see it?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. I called the lister and she set up something for us."

"Perfect! I love everyone here but it would be great to have our own place!"

"Yeah but you know we will be here everyday wanting food from Lena!" He says and we both laugh and lay down on the bed. We sit there for awhile and I just think about the wedding.

"I think I want my dad and Lena to walk me down the isle." I just burst out.

"Ok. Lena and you dad will live that!" he tells me and kisses the top of my head.

"Good! Next thing on my list is to get you and your groomsmen stuff to wear on the wedding!"

"Awesome!" he says sarcastically.

"It will be quick!"

"Said every girl ever!" I just laugh at him.

"I already know what want! I just need you guys to try it on and get the measurements."

"So lets do that tomorrow!" He says with a smile and I nod.


ok so that was a bit boring but the next chapter is the wedding! That will probably be up either late tonight or Tuesday because I am going to knots with my friend and I have soccer practice tomorrow night until 7pm so yeah!

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