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Callie's point of view

I am so stupid! I walked away right after he told me he loved me! I love him too it is just complicated! I don't want to get Jude kicked out of the house because of me! He really likes it at The Fosters house and I don't want to ruin it for him!

But you want to be happy too! come on go back to Brandon!

My mind is going crazy! I really want to go back but it is to late, I am already back at the house. I see everyone in the living room around the tv.

"Hey Cals!" Lena says happily.

"Hi." I say looking down so they don't notice my tears but they do.

"What's wrong?" she asks but before I can say anything Brandon slams the door open and closed and hurries upstairs. Everyone gives weird looks and Stef goes upstairs to check on him. Lena tries to ask me what's wrong but I just leave and go upstairs.

Lena's Point if View

I think something happened between Brandon and Callie because they both came in crying and it must be serious because Brandon doesn't just cry for random stuff and I am sure Callie doesn't either. Brandon locked himself in his room and Callie locked herself in the bathroom. I am outside trying to get her out but she won't come. I can hear her sobbing.

"Love?" Stef says.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Let's leave them alone and go make dinner." I nod and we walk downstairs. I am still really wondering what happened.

Dinner is awkward and Brandon nor Callie came downstairs. After eating Jesus, Marianna, and Jude set up a board game to play and Stef and I go upstairs to check on Brandon and Callie.

"Callie?" I say knocking on her room door. It is unlocked and I walk in to see her crying on her bed. "What's wrong?"i say and sit next to her and wrap my arms around her. She just crus into my shoulder for awhile.

After awhile she calms down but I know she won't tell me anything so I just bring her up some food and offer for her to come down and play a family game. She nods her head and we go downstairs and play with the other kids. I hope everything is fine.

Brandon's Point of View

After I stormed into the house my mom has been trying to talk to me on and off for the past hour. I just ignore her and bang on my keyboard. Eventually she gives up and goes to bed. I sit there all night and play the piano. I put my while heart out to her and I feel like she just stabbed it with a knife! I still don't even know if she feels the same.

I finish writing a song about my feelings and check the time. 6:30am. Yay! time for school! I get up and almost fall over. I walk over to my closet and grab random clothes to change into. I see myself in the mirror and I look horrible. I have tear stained eyes and under them are all black. Whatever!

I walk downstairs and everyone looks at me weird. I quickly grab a banana and make my way towards the door.

"Brandon!" I hear my mom yell. "Get back here!"

I walk back to the doorway to the kitchen.

"Why? you want to stab my heart too? it's already broken enough!" I blurt out and I look at Callie and I see she is about to cry. I turn away and walk out the door. I just walk until I get to school and I go sit on the beach and think.

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