The injured

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Callie's Point of View

I just laying in my bed like I have been crying myself to sleep. I was just about sleep when I felt someone put a rag over my face. I slowly went into the darkness

When I woke up I was in a dark room tied up. I look around and see someone sitting in the corner. I look closer and see Liam.

"Morning sweetheart!" He says too excitedly. " can thank your little boyfriend for this! he left you alone just long enough for me to get you! Aren't you happy now?" he asks expecting to just love him.

"Fuck off Liam!" I spit in his face. He gets angry and slaps me across the face.

"Don't say that to me!" He yells and kicks me in the side. He repetitively kicks me in the ribs and I scream in pain. He stops and I let the darkness take over me again.


Brandon's Point of View

After Marianna and I cry for a couple of minutes I stand up. Lena tries to talk to me about destroying my room but I don't care! I need to find Callie!

"Brandon Foster! where are you going?!" Lena raises her voice at me.

"I am getting Callie back!" I yell back at her and with that I am out the door and speeding off. I try to think where she would be. I try the Olmsted house but nothing's there. Then I think of Callie's friend Wyatt. He left for Indiana and had an empty house just lying around. I quickly drove there.

I saw a blue van in the front and ran to the window. No one was in there but a knife, a rag, and chloroform. Great!

I go to the door and slowly open it. I hear faint screams. I decide to call my mom really quick so she can help. I walk outside and dial.

"B, What's up?"

"Come to 33552 Anchor rd. Someone had Callie in there. I am going in!"

"Wait!" she tries to say but I hang up quickly and rush in. I stole one of my moms guns to protect myself. I look around and see a little door. I slowly creep in and see Callie lying on the ground in pain. I look around and no one else is in here.

"Callie!" I say just above a whisper.

"Brandon?" she whispers. I then hear a gun cock.

"Aww! lover boy is here! Glad you came to join the fun!"

"Liam! what do you want?" I ask turning to him.

"Well I want Callie, duh!" I then hear sirens.

"Who did you call?!" he yells at me. I just widen my eyes. I try to cover Callie as best as I can. He gets impatient brings it to my head. I look over and see my mom come in quietly. She then shoots him in my shoulder. He falls to the ground, but not before he lets a butter fly. I hear Callie scream in pain. I turn to her and she has a bullet in her arm.

"Callie!" I yell and pick her up. He yelps in pain again. I set her down and put her head in my lap. "I am so sorry Callie!" I start crying and my mom and dad run to my side. Mom see the state Callie is in and yells for an ambulance. "Callie stay with me me! please..." I cry as her eyes start to close. "NO! PLEASE CALLIE!" I yell crying. The ambulance rushes in and take Callie away. I try to follow them but my dad hold me back.

"Brandon! Stop! We will meet them at the hospital!" I move away from him and run out to his car. We then quickly drive off to see Callie.

When we get there I run to the front desk and ask for her.

"She just got in and is in surgery. Please sit and wait." I quietly nod and go slouch in the chair. I put my head in my hands and cry. I feel someone sit next to me and run my back. I know it is most likely my dad.

All I think is 'I couldn't protect her!'

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