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Callie's Point of View

It has been a couple months since Stef died and now Brandon is turning 18 today and he is leaving for collage tomorrow. Everyone is doing fine. We still miss her but we are living our lives like she would have wanted.

Brandon is still asleep so we have time to set up everything for him. Marianna and Lena are helping me set up so we put balloons and banners that say 'Happy Birthday B!' and we make a stack of pancakes (which are his favorite) and we put a candle on the top.

"I think we are done!" Lena says. I look around and it looks great.

"Should we go wake him up?" Marianna asks.

"Have Callie go do it." Lena tells us and I run upstairs and quietly walk I to his room. I sit on the edge of his bed and push his shaggy hair from his face.

"Hey. wake up B." I says softly while slightly shaking him. He gets a small smile and pulls me down on the bed and into his arms. "Come on! We have something for you!" I say laughing.

"Can we just sit like this for a while?" he whines with his eyes still closed.

"No, the food is getting cold!" I tell him. "Now let me up."

"I am not letting you go until I get a kiss." he finally opens his eyes.

"I don't know if I should..." I tease.

"Then I guess we will be like this forever!" he says back. I sit there and look at him for a minute until I give up.

"Fine." I crash my lips to his and give him a passionate kiss. "Happy Birthday." I says suductively when we pull away. He gets a big smile and stands up.

"Now what's is so important?" he asks me.

"Come downstairs and see!" I grab his hand and run downstairs. I pull him into the living room and everyone is standing there.

"Surprise!" Everyone yells when Brandon walks in.

"Aww! Thank you guys!" he goes over and give everyone a hug.

"Blow out the candle!" Lena tells him and he blows out his candle and smiles. He comes up and hugs me. "Now B, we also have a going away/birthday party for you later today. That starts at 3pm so be ready everyone!" Lena tells us.

"Who's coming to that?" Brandon asks.

"You fathers, us, your grandparents, it is just family coming. It's not very big, unless you want more people to come?"

"No, no! I don't want a big party. You didn't even have to throw a party at all."

"I had to! My baby is turning 18 and going away to collage!" she says hugging him.

"I am not a baby anymore!" he tells he laughing.

"I know!" she says starting to tear up.

"Oh my god! please don't cry! I am not moving to China! you guys will see me!"

"I know!" Lena says while Brandon hugs her. I start to get sad too, because I won't be able to see him everyday. But I am not going to be all sad! I don't want him to change his mind and stay just because he sees me crying.

Everyone we all finish eating breakfast and clean up. Everyone goes upstairs but me and Brandon.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asks him while leaning against the counter.

"I want to spend it with you." he says coming closer to me.

"Really?" I asks even tho I know the answer.

"Yes. I want to spend every second of the time I am here with you." He grabs my hands and leans his forehead on mine.

"Let's go for a walk on the beach." I suggest.

"Ok." he agrees and we go upstairs to change.

Since it is cold we can't go in the water to I just change into jeans and a t-shirt and run downstairs to see Brandon waiting for me.

"Hey gorgeous!" he says to me.

"Hey! Ready to go?" I ask.

"Yup!" he takes my hand and we walk out of the house and towards the beach. We get on the sand and take our shoes off. We just walk in silence. We get to the spot on the beach were we had our first kiss and we sit down.

"What time do you leave tomorrow?" I finally ask.

"My flight is at 9:30am." He says sadly. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" he asks.

"Of course I want you to stay but I want you to live your dreams more! I want to see you happy B!" I tell him fighting back the tears.

"I love you." he says softly.

"I love you too!" I lean and kiss him passionately.


Brandon's Point of View

The next day

Today is the day I leave for Juilliard. I am excited to be a Juilliard but I don't want to leave Callie and everyone back in California!

I am finishing packing my suitcases when someone knocks on my door.

"Come in!" I say.

"Hey." I look over and see Jude.

"Hey Jude."

"Do you need any help?" he asks me.

"No. But want you to do something when I am gone."

"Anything!" he replies stepping into my room.

"I need you to take care of Callie for me. She has been protecting you your whole life and now that I am not there to help her, I need you to help her. Can you do that?" I ask.

"Yes, I promise!" he runs into my arms and I hug him back. "I am going to miss you Brandon!"

"I am going to miss you to Jude!" We hug for awhile until Lena yells for me.

"Remember to keep your promise!" I say to him as I am walking out. He give me a slight nod and I leave. I walk downstairs and Callie, Marianna, Jesus, Lena, and my dad are standing at the bottom of the steps. I look at Callie and see her fighting back her tears.

"Don't get to worked up everyone!" I tell them.

"We are so proud of you!" my dad says.

"Thanks! But people do go to collage, all the time!"

"Yes but not everyone gets a full scholarships somewhere!" Lena says. I just laugh and our my walk outside and put my stuff in the car. I give everyone hugs and say goodbye.

Callie is taking me to the airport so I get in the passenger seat and she drives off.

When we get to the airport we get out and get my bags checked. After that we step to the side to say goodbye. I look into her eyes and see she is crying.

"Hey baby, don't cry!" I pull her to me and hug her as tight as I can. "Shh." I try to calm her down.

"I am going to miss you!" she tells me.

"I am going to miss you too but we will talk to each other when ever we can and I will come down every holiday and any break. You can also come for performances I have too. I promise you!"

"Ok. I love you!"

"I love you too!" I lightly kiss her. When we pull away and give her one last hug.

"Call me when you get there." she whispers to me.

"Ok. bye."

"Bye." I release her hand and walk into line. I look back and blow her a kiss before I head to my gate.

I am going to miss her so much!

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