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Callie's Point of View

I am now 9 months pregnant and am due any day now. Brandon has to go to LA for the weekend which everyone told him not to but his boss made him go. So I will be staying with Lena and the kids.

"Hey Callie, how are you feeling?" Lena asks walking into Brandon's old room, where I will be staying.

"Ok. Just really fat!" I say and she laughs.

"You know you aren't really fat! your baby is!" she says and we laugh.

"That is what Brandon has been telling me for 7 months straight!"

"Well let's go get dinner." she says with a smile and we walk, well I waddle, downstairs for dinner. It's just Jesus, Marianna, Jude, Lena, and I at dinner so we just sit in the kitchen. We ate pasta and talked.

After dinner we decided to watch a movie.

"I will go get popcorn." Lena told us.

"We will help." Jude and Jesus said and got up to help her.

"How are you Mari?" I ask with a smile.

"Well," she starts getting excited. "No one knows yet but I have a boyfriend!" she squeals.

"Really! Is he cute?"

"Yes! he is the sweetest thing! Callie I really like him."

"I am happy for you sis!"

"Thank you!" as she says that I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I start to stand up but I grab on to the couch for support. "Callie?" Marianna asks standing up and helping me.

"Get me to the hospital. this baby is coming!" I tell her and her eyes go wide.

"Mom!" she yells and helps me towards the door.

"What?" Lena asks running in.

"Callie is having the baby!" Marianna tell everyone.

"Jesus Jude help her to the car, Marianna call B, I will get a bag of stuff." Jesus and Jude take me to the car and I sit in in the front. A minute later Lena jumps in the drivers seat and Marianna in the back with the boys.

"Brandon said he was on his way." Marianna tell me and I nod. Lena speeds away to the hospital. We get there and Lena runs in and they come back and wheel me inside.

I get set up in a room and to my IVs.

"Hi, Mrs. Foster. you aren't completely ready to deliver so we will wait." A nurse tells me.

"Can you send in my family?"

"Yes." he walks off and a minute later Lena walks in.

"Hey! they only wanted adults in here right now."

"Where's Brandon?"

"Hey just texted me and said that he is almost here."

"Please don't let him rush and hurt himself."

"It's ok. His boss decided to be nice and take him in his helicopter." He both laugh. "crazy right! but he is going to be here!"

I am sitting there for awhile until Brandon rushes in.

"Callie!" He comes and sits at my side.

"Hi I am Dr. Reynolds. I am you doctor and we need to deliver this baby." We nod and Lena leave the room.

"I love you Callie!" Brandon tells me.

"I love you too!" he slightly kisses my head and we start.


1 hour later I have birth to my beautiful baby girl Stefanie Colleen Foster in January 18, 2019. She is gorgeous! She has Brandon's eyes and my nose.

"She's beautiful!" Brandon says smiling big.

"Here. hold her." I hand her over and B takes her. He sits down in the edge of his bed and I see the look in his eyes. All I see is love and care for her. I know that Brandon will be am amazing father!

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