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Callie's Point of View

I woke up in a dark room. I look around and see my dad in the corner. I try to move to home but my arms are tied down.

"Dad?" I whisper. His head shoots up.



"I am so sorry!"

"No! Lets try to figure out a way to the hell away from Liam then we will worry about whose fault it is later!" I tell him and he nods. I look around a see a desk. I move around and see a knife on the desk. Since my legs aren't tied down I reach put my legs and kick at the desk. It shake until the leg breaks and everything comes to the ground. I scoot the knife over to my hands and cut myself free. My wrist get cut in the process but it doesn't matter! I run over to my dad and cut him loose.

We stand up and with my knife at hand I slowly open the door. It seems like we are in a basement so we walk up the long stairs. I peak through and don't see anyone. This doesn't feel right. We get out the door and are now in the living room. Before we can get out the front door someone pulls me to the ground. I drop the knife in the mitts and flail around. I see it is Liam and I kick around. I feel a really bad pain but I don't know where from.

"Get the hell off my daughter!" I hear my dad scream. I also hear a whimper from Liam and my dad pulls me up.

"What the hell just happened?!" I yell

"Callie get outside now!" he yells and I ran out. I look around and we are in a bad neighborhood. I make sure my dad is behind me and we run. We keep running until we get to a store. I look in and the store is closed for Thanksgiving. Wait thanksgiving! I was out for 2 days! I start to freak out but I remember my phone. I had it in my pocket. I reach in and it is surprisingly still there. I see a bunch of missed calls from Brandon and the family.

I quickly dial B's number and wait for him to answer.

"Callie?!" I can hear the pain and worry in his voice.


"Callie where are you?"

"I don't know. We are by a store but it is closed. Is it really thanksgiving?" I ask him.

"Yeah! you have been gone for 2 days! But we talk about that later. Where are you?"

"Um..." I put it on speaker and search my current location. "We are in LA still. We are right by the hotel."

"Go to the hotel. I am still here!"

"Ok!" we hang up and run in the direction where the hotel is. We get there and I see Brandon standing outside the hotel waiting. "Brandon!" I yell and run towards him. He sees me and runs towards me. We meet in the middle and I jump into his arms. He holds me tightly against his chest and I know he isn't going to let me go.

"Are you hurt? Who did this to you?"

"Liam." is all I say and I feel a really bad pain in my side. I scream in pain and fall. Brandon catches me before fall on the ground.

"CALLIE!" I hear him scream. "Call 911!" Brandon says and throughs his phone towards my dad. I look over and Melissa and J run outside.

"Brandon!" she comes closer and realizes that I am hear too. "CALLIE!" she yells and sprints to us.

"Callie what's wrong?" Brandon asks me.

"My side." I whimper. He looks down and his eyes go big. He carefully places his hand on my side and I see blood. He pulls his shirt off and holds it to my side. I start drifting off.

"Callie stay with me!" is the last thing I hear before I black out.

Brandon's Point of View

Callie just came and now she got stabbed.

"Callie stay with me!" I yell as I see her eyes starting to close. "Go get my family!" I yell towards Melissa and she nods.

"They will be right here." Callie's dad tells me and he kneels down beside me. We sit there trying to get Callie to stay alive and Jude runs down.

"CALLIE!" He screams and kneels next to me. "What happened?!"

"Son, we will tell you later." their dad says. We hear sirens coming and I lift her up. They rush up and I place her on the stretcher. I try to follow her but they hold me back. I start yelling and my dad and J have to come hold me back. Callie's Dad and Lena go in with her while the rest drive with my dad.

When we get to the hospital I sprint in and check at the front desk.

"Is Callie Jacob here?"

"Yes, but she just pulled in so please just wait for her to be allowed visitors." The nurse at the front desk tells me.

"Thank you." I say and go sit in the waiting room.

I sit there and Jude comes up to me. I
Just look at him and we both break down. I hold him in my arms as we cry.

We are like that for I don't know how long until a doctor comes out.

"Are you all here for Callie Jacob?" he asks and Jude and I shoot up.

"Yes! How is she?" I ask.

"She will be fine! She had a knife wound in her side. We cleaned it and stitched up so she is fine as long as she doesn't do much until she gets them out. She is resting now but one person can go in until she wakes up."

"Thank you." the doctor walks away and I turn to everyone.

"You should go in first Brandon. She will probably ask for you." Lena tells me. I look towards Jude and he nods in agreement. I give them a sad smile and walk into her room. She is just laying on the bed asleep. She looks so peaceful. I pull up a chair next to her bed and grab her hand.

I look at her and brush the hair out of her face and slightly stroke her cheek with my thumb. I don't want to take too long so Jude can see her too, so I place a small kiss I her forehead and turn to walk out.

"Brandon?" I hear a whisper. I turn around and her eyes are open and looking straight at me.

"Callie." I go up and she pulls me to her lips. We sit there passionately kissing. I never want this to end. I haven't been able to feel like this in forever!

"I love you!" I say when we pull away.

"I love you too!" she replies and I kiss her one more time before I go out and get everyone.

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