Telling Them

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Callie's Point of View

I got out of the hospital last week and I am doing fine. I am pretty much healed but I still have to take it easy. Brandon has been helping me any chance he can, he just has to make it less suspicious cuz we still haven't told Stef, Lena, and Jude yet.

In exciting news...Stef and Lena are getting married! I am really happy for them! they are amazing women and deserve to be happy with each other.

"Hey Cals." Brandon says walking into my room and closing the door.

"Hey." I say a give him a quick peck on the lips. "so are you excited for your moms to get married?" I ask him.

"Yeah! the while family has been waiting for them to get married and now we are excited that it is happening." he says but there is something he is not telling.

"Are you sure?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah..." he trails off.

"Brandon Foster! You are hiding something from me! Aren't you?" I say with a small giggle. He keeps his head down still. "What's wrong B?" I asks now serious.

"It's just that my moms came in today and asked me something..."

"What was it?" he takes a deep breath and continues.

"They asked me if it was ok if the adopted you and Jude."

"What did you say?"

"I was speechless. They told me to get back to them. I wanted to talk to you before I said anything back." I am stunned. I am really happy they love us and want to adopt us, but I can't! I love Brandon too much to just through it away for them to adopt us. But I don't want to ruin Jude's chances. "Callie?" Brandon says placing his hand on my cheeks. "I know how you feel. I know you want Jude to be happy too. I feel as if he was my little brother too and I want him to be happy." Really! He is amazing! he care about my baby brother about as much as I do!

"I don't want to leave you Brandon. I want to be with you, forever." he smile and leans closer.

"Ok." he then places his lips on mine and gives me a sweet kiss. "We should tell moms about us before the situation gets it of hand." He tell me and I nod. He starts to get up and leave but I don't move. "Hey. Are you scared?"

"I am just scared that me and Jude will get kicked out..."

"I would never let that happen! I would make sure that you and him will be safe here with them. Even if it means I leave to somewhere else."

"That is one of many reasons why I love you!" I says and give him and small kiss and take his and hand and we walk downstairs.

Lena's Point of View

Stef and I had just asked Brandon how he felt about us adopting Callie and Jude. He was shocked, which surprised me because him and Callie really got along and I could tell he look at Jude like a brother. Stef and I went downstairs to watch tv on our Saturday.

We were watching Judge Judy when Brandon and Callie came down and asked to talk.

"Yes! sit!" Stef motioned for them to sit down. "What is it loves?"

"Um..." Callie starts but then looks at Brandon.

"We are kind of together." What? Stef and I's mouths drop.

"When did this happen?" I ask.

"Well it started awhile ago but then we broke up then got back together last week." Brandon tells us. That explains them being depressed for those few days and Brandon staying at Mike's place.

"Who knows?"

"Marianna and Jesus." Callie says shaky.


"Mom please don't kick her and Jude out! They really love it here and I will move in with dad if that means they get to stay!" I can tell Brandon really loves her by what he is telling us. I can now see it in his eyes when he looks at her and when she looks at him.

"Go to your rooms please. We need to discuss this." Stef tells them and quickly get up and leave the room.

"!" I say still pretty speechless.

"I wasn't really expecting that! but really how didn't we notice?"

"I don't know, but did you see the way Brandon put everything out so that Callie and Jude can stay and the way he looks at her? He has the same look in his eyes that you have when you look at me."

"I do see that! I guess we can just let them. Love is love and you can't break it."

"I guess we tell them."

"Yep!" Stef sighs.

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