The Preformence

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Ok so in this chapter there will be a song. I am going to pretend that Brandon wrote it but really City and Colour did so all credit goes to them! I will talk more and after the chapter is over.


Brandon's Point of View

It has been a couple months since I left for Juilliard and I haven't seen any of my family yet. I only take to them and skype them.

While I was here I created a band without a couple other friends of mine. I am the lead singer; I have no clue how I got from piano geek to lead singer! We do gigs all around New York and now Juilliard is letting us preform at their annual show that they have every year for the kids there for music. (AN: I don't know anything about Juilliard so I just made this up.)

I happy because my family is coming down for the banquet, but Callie isn't coming, she has something at her job.

I walk into my band meeting.

"Hey Brandon!" Jacob calls for me. Jacob is the lead guitar.

"Hey!" I says back.

"We were waiting for you!" Melissa tells me. She plays pretty much any instrument. Don't worry! She is dating Jacob so there with be nothing happening with her and I!

"Sorry! I was talking to my family and lost track of time." I say looking down.

"Oh! Are they coming for the show?" Melissa asks excited.

"Yeah." I say a little sadly.

"Do we get to meet the wonderful Callie that you are always talking about?" Jacob asks teasingly.

"No. She couldn't come."

"Oh! Eeeee! Sorry!" Melissa tells me.

"Ok enough with my pitiful life! Lets practice!" I tell them and get up and we start playing.

Callie's Point of View

Brandon called a coupe days ago and told us that he had a performance, with his band, tomorrow. I told him I couldn't come but really I am just going to surprise him. Marianna and I were planning something were I would go out by myself to surprise him but when he called about the show it was perfect!

We are leaving today because the show is tomorrow. I am so excited about seeing him! I feel like I haven't been able to be with him in forever, even tho it has only been three months.

"Callie are you excited?" Marianna asks coming in our room.

"Yes! I just wish I could see him right when we land not tomorrow!"

"I know big sis! But it will be so cute when he sees you!"

"I know! I can't wait to see his face when I show up!" I says getting really excited.

"We have to leave for the airport in 10 minutes, so let's go!" I quickly finish packing and run downstairs.

"Ready?" Lena asks waiting by the front door.

"Yep!" I reply and get I the car. We meet Mike at the airport and fly to New York.

The flight took awhile but I slept the whole time I was fine! we get our bag from check out and we get in a taxi and go to our hotel. It is 3am so everyone just goes right to bed. I can't wait to see Brandon!

Brandon's Point of View

Today is the the show. I am really excited for my band to play and I get to see my family, but sad because I don't get to see Callie.

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