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Brandon's Point of View

Callie and I have been secretly dating for about a week now. We usually walk to school early every morning to get time together and when we meet in my room to 'play' we have make out sessions. Every second I spend time with her the more I fall in love with her.

We walked to school early, like always, and we sat in the main grass area to talk. We were talking about how we were working and stuff until the bell rang.

The classes took forever because all

I wanted to do was see Callie again but finally the bell rang for lunch. I walked out into the main area where we were this morning and see Callie and this random guy that is a lot bigger then her. I see him grab her arm forcefully and I loose it! I don't know who the guy is but he is not touching her again!

I drop my backpack and run up to them. I grab the guys arms and pull it off of Callie and push her behind me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing to her?!" I yell and Callie tried to pull me back.

"Aww! Your little foster brother has to come and save you! how cute Callie!" How does he know her? By now there is a whole crowd of people around and I see Jesus and Marianna run over.

"You need to leave! NOW!" I say sternly.

"What are you going to do if I don't." I stand there and get closer to him. He then punches me in the face and I react by tackling him. I throw a few punches and can hear Callie yelling. Jesus then lifts me off of the guy and holds me back while the guy runs off. I look back and Lena is running up with the English teacher, Timothy.

"What is happening here?" Lena asks worriedly.

"Nothing I needed help on!" I say looking at Jesus. "Callie are you alright?" I ask her and she just nods with tears in her eyes.

"Brandon go to the nurse. Your lip and nose are bleeding." Lena says to me and I look at Callie's arm and there is a huge bruise where he grabbed her. She can tell I see it so she walks with me to the nurse.


After we get out of the nurses office we decide to ditch and walk on the beach.

After awhile of silence she says something.

"Thank you...for that."

"I would kill someone if that means protecting you or anyone else I love!" she just starts to laugh.

"Don't get to carried away lover boy!" she says with a giggle. I laugh along with her.

We get to a tree and sit down under it.

"Who was the guy?" I asks seriously. She hesitates for a second but says it anyway.

"Liam Olmstead. He was an old foster brother..." I can see this is hard for her to talk about.

"Did he do something to you?"

"Yeah...when I first was there he treated me really well and told me I was pretty and stuff, and of course being a 14 year old girl I believed him. He would kiss me and make me feel good. One night he came into my room and wanted to do more but I said no, but he wouldn't take that. so he..." I can see her tears falling down her face and it breaks my heart to see her like this! "he forced me to have sex with him."

"I am so sorry!" is all I say and pull her to my chest and rub circles in her back. "I hope you know that I would never do that to you! I would probably hurt myself if I ever even thought of hurting you!"

"And that's why I love you Brandon Foster, so much!" she says with a slight smile.

"I love you too!" I lean down and kiss her with as much love and passion I can give her.

She sits up and sits in my lap with our lips still locked. Our lips move perfectly together like they were two matching puzzle pieces. We stay like this for awhile until my phone starts to ring.

"Ugh!" I say and take few breathes. It's Lena so I answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you Brandon?!" she asks angry.


"Don't be like that Brandon! I know you and Callie ditched. Where are you two?!"

"We are at the house. We were still shaken up from what happened at lunch." I lie.

"Brandon next time you do that come and tell me! I would have let you go home! Now stay in the house until I get back." she says sternly.

"Aye aye captain!" I say sarcastically. She sighs and hangs up.

"What was that?" Callie asks.

"We need to get home before they realize we aren't actually there!" I grab her hand and we walk home."

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