The Wedding

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Here it is!!!! I am going to switch back and fourth between Point of Views so watch for those. Hope everyone enjoys it!


Callie's Point of View

Today is the day that I get married to the love of my life! Marianna and Melissa are getting my hair and make-up done and Lena is making sure everything is set up and ready to go.

They finish my hair and it is beautiful! It is a romantic up do with green garland in it. My makeup is just simple and pretty.

"You look amazing!" Marianna tells me.

"Thank you for making me look amazing!" I get up and hug them both.

"You're welcome! Now let's get you in that dress!" Melissa responds and they help me into the dress. They lace it up and add the belt. I put on my heels and look at myself in the mirror.

"You look beautiful!" I hear someone say and I turn around and see Jude.

"Thanks!" I say with a smile and he comes and hugs me.

"I love you Callie!" he tells me.

"I love you too Jude!" I hug him back and kiss the top of his head.

"Callie." I look up and see Lena. "it's time to go!" I smile and walk our with Jude. I get downstairs with my dress and walk towards the back door. Jude leaves to go to the front with Brandon and I stay with my dad and Lena.

"You ready?" he asks.

"Yes!" I give everyone one a smile and Lena and Dad connect arms with me and Marianna and Melissa start to make their way down isle.

Brandon's Point of View

It's time for everyone to walk down the isle. I see Melissa and Mari walking down and I know who is next. Everyone stands and I see Callie, Donald, and Lena walking down. I look straight into Callie's eyes and smile. She look gorgeous! she take my breath away!

They finally get to the end of the isle and hand her off to me and take their seats. I take her hand and we face each other while the officiant starts. The whole time we have our own conversations with our eyes.

"We have gathered together today to see the marriage of Brandon Michael Foster and Callie Marie Jacob." The officiant starts. He keeps going on and on with his ceremony until he gets to the vows. He has me go first.

"Callie, the first time I ever saw you I knew that you were the one! We have been through some much stuff together and we made it through! I promise you that I will never leave your side and I will love you to the end!" I see a tear go down her face and I wipe it away with my thumb.

"Callie..." the officiant says and she begins.

"Brandon...god!" she starts laughing. "There aren't very many words to explain how much I love you! I fell in love with you when you helped me get Jude out of the awful house! I knew that you were going to protect me from everything and anything! I love you so much and I don't want to go a day without you! You are my best friend!" she is crying and I feel a couple tears escape my eyes too. "I promise to stay with you through everything. I love you." we smile at each other and the officiant goes on.

"Beautiful! Now, Brandon Foster to do you take Callie Jacob to be your wedded wife?"

"I do." I reply.

"Callie Jacob, do you take Brandon Foster as your husband?"

"I do." she replies with her amazing smile.

"With the power vested in me I would like to pronounce, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Foster. You may kiss the bride!" he says and Callie smiles at me. I put my hands on the side of her cheeks and kiss her passionately. We pull away and start walking down the isle hand in hand. Everyone cheers for us and we make our way inside.

Lena's Point of View

That was so beautiful! I was crying through the whole thing! You can see how in love they are by just looking at them together! I am so glad that Stef and I allowed them to have the relationship!

They finish up and we go back to sit for the reception. They wanted a small wedding so it is just my parents, Stef's mother, Mike, the twins, Jude, Donald, Melissa, Jacob, and a few close family friends.

A few minutes later Brandon and Callie come outside and they dance. Afterwards we all just hang out and celebrate them. I am so proud of Callie and Brandon!


Ok so I know this is late but I had a busy day and I wanted to get this up before I went back to school tomorrow. I hope everyone liked it! it was short and sweet, but that's what I imagined for Brandon and Callie! I picture them as not wanting glammes out and stuff. anyways!!!! If anyone would like to rant with me about Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, or The Fosters please feel free! I need to burst our everything about this weeks episode of all three shows! so please kik me or just leave it in the comments.

Thank you everyone!!

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