Good News

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Callie's Point of View

Lena and Stef told Brandon and I to go to our rooms after we told them. Of course I went into Brandon's room with him. I sat on his bed and started to freak out. Brandon sits next to me and put one hand on my back and the other on my thigh.

"Callie, it will be ok!" Brandon tries to tell me.

"What if they kick us out? What will happen then? Where will Jude and I go?" I start to cry.

"Callie I won't let that happen! I will make sure that you don't get kicked out of this house! I promise Callie!" he pulls me to his chest and I cry for awhile.

We sits there for what seems like forever, until there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." Brandon says and we sit up. Lena and Stef walk in and sit in chairs across from us.

"So...we have decided..." Stef leads on.

"What did you decide?" I eagerly ask.

"We are going to let this relationship happen, as long as you follow out rules!" Lena tells us and I can't believe it!

"Anything!" Brandon says excitedly.

"1) no closed doors 2) try to keep the PDA to a low around the family 3) no one but the family knows about the relationship; we don't want the system finding out. And 4) Don't hurt each break each other's heart! I don't want to deal with you too if that happens!" Stef says and I let out a small laugh at her last rule.

"Got it!" Brandon says nodding. I nod along with him and they give us a smile and get up.

"Now...we are going to make dinner." Lena says and walks out with Stef right behind her.

"So..." Brandon says looking at me excitedly.

"What happens now?" I asks.

"We be together like we have always wanted." I start to smile at the thought.

"I love you Brandon!"

"I love you too Callie!" he replies and gives me a passionate kiss.


Ok so that was a short one but I just felt like posting something. I am not 100% sure when the next chapter will be up cuz I have to think about something to happen. But I think next week I have a 6 day weekend off school so hopefully I will write a lot then! If you have any ideas about what to happen next please kik me at @brallie_love!

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