Chapter 1...

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"Have you got everything, hun?" My mam asks me for what feels like the hundredth time in the past 5 minutes.

"Yes mam!" I groaned.

"Okay have fun. Don't do anything stupid or something you will regret. Call me as soon as you get there! "

"Of course mam, bye!"

"Bye love you Megan!"

"Bye love you too!"

I waved out of the window until I couldn't see her anymore. I let out a sigh as I played on my phone in the back of the taxi and then on the train. I was really going to miss my family back in Hull. However, I'm so excited to start fresh in The Royal Ballet Of London. Meet new friends, have loads of fun, break lots of toes. You know the usual.

As hours passed and I start to near London, I text my best friend, Beth, to come and pick me up from the train station. Beth Smith. My best friend. My sister from another mister. My soul sister. My world. And has been since we were 5. We met at dance class when we were 5 and automatically clicked. We have so much in common. Most of the time we have a conversation just using out facial expressions and then people stare and are like 'Are you two okay?' It's funny because most of the time we don't even know we are doing it.

Anyways, what was I talking about again?

Oh yeah, she's coming to pick me up so we can go to the school together and find out if all our nagging to the coach's asking if we can share a dorm, paid off.

As we came to a stop, I got off the train and dragged my suitcases behind me. Out of nowhere a loud high pitched scream came from behind me. I turned around to see my best friend. Only she would scream. I dropped everything in my hands and we ran to each other and hugged as tightly as possible making us fall to the floor.

"I missed you so much!" Beth said as we pulled away and stood up.

"We saw each other 2 weeks ago! " I replied, she's crazy.

"I know right. Too long!" She said, while pulling me into another tight hug.

After a while, we let go and she helped me get my things into her car. We blasted out our favourite songs while shouting the lyrics at the top of our lungs. I'm pretty sure every girl besties do this. Don't they? Or are we just weird? Eh, who cares I like weird.

We get to the school and get our things out and walk into our home for the next, hopefully, 3 years. That's if we don't get kicked out or promoted. We walked to reception were there was a long line. I groaned and talked to Beth about how excited we are about actually staying here. Definitely a dream come true. One dream left. Become The Best Ballerina.

"How was Egypt by the way?" I ask while we wait in the line, talking about her family holiday she just came back from.

"It was good, kinda boring but what do you expect when your stuck with your mam and millionth boyfriend as well as an annoying 11 year old brother on one holiday?" She says, sighing. Probably only saying that to not hurt my feelings at by he fact that I've never been on holiday before.

"Oh come on, I bet it was great, show me the pics for the gram?" I say, generally interested. Hey if I can't go on holiday, then I'd rather have my best friend tell me everything about it to get a good image of it.

"No I'm being serious Ben was always complaining about something..." Beth ranted to me, for a long time while we waited in the que about her 'annoying 11 year old brother' who's actually 14 and a very nice boy but of course her older sister wouldn't say that, like I wouldn't say that about my older brothers.

After a whole of waiting and talking and ranting, we finally made it to the front of the line.

"Hiya, how can I help?" The nice receptionist asked us. She was quite pretty with brown hair into a bob and cute big, black, round glasses. About in her 30's.

"Hiya, can we have our keys to our dorms?" I asked her.

"Yep, names please" poping the the 'p' as she said so.

"Megan Forest and Beth Smith" Me and Beth said in unison. We looked at each other than chuckled. We do this every time. The lady just smiled and typed on her computer on her desk.

"Okay so Megan you are in dorm 219 and Beth your in dorm 584" She said while handing us our keys. We looked at each than frowned. We didn't get in the same room. Not even near each other.

This is gunna be a long 3 years with a complete stranger.


Sorry it's short.

I hope you like it.

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~ Frazzle

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