Chapter 25...

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(Dont play the video yet please)

Megan's POV:

Some people in the past have asked me why I rant. They ask if I'm just a talkative or bossy person.

The answer is: I honestly don't know.

I think of it as a gift really.

Because I'm not afraid to talk about something i'm passionate about. I'm not afraid to stand up for myself.

I think it's a button in my head that switches on when it thinks I need to rant. When I need to talk.

Like when someone or something is wrong. Or like when it's just my turn to talk; give someone motivation.

Personally, I don't call it a rant. I call it a speech. A speech about what I think about the situation or a speech about not giving up.

I think of it as a gift because I know that when that switch turns on what I say is right and it helps people.

So when I had a rant at my brothers a few weeks ago and thought I was to harsh, I was wrong. I wasn't harsh. That was needed to be said and I just over heard and spoke those words.

Normally, my brothers would argue back but when they didnt that's when they know that I was right.

So I decided that I needed a dance to remember and remind people that sometimes u are right, you can be so don't give up.

And I hope that it helps people realize that because that's all I ever wanted.

(Play the video above)


Right now I'm currently in the splits, stretching for practice. It's now the end of January and I have a lot of work to do.

Suddenly the class goes silent.

Me being the most curious person I know, gets up to see what all the fuss is about.

When I see the door my jaw drops.

In front of me is Daisy Hall but in a wheelchair.

Now my instant thought is if she's okay. So I ask her.

"Omg are you okay? What happened?" I ask her standing in front of her wheelchair.

"I'm fine! I just can't dance for a while, I broke my foot in the holidays and just got out of the hospital. Let's just say I'm very lucky. That bus could have hit me harder!" She spat at first but then shrugged at the end like it's no big deal.

This is a massive deal. We have one less dancer.

I think Daisy knew what I was thinking by my facial expressions because of what she said next.

"Don't worry I'm still dancing for the competition! Just I got to wait 5 weeks and 3 days until I get the cast off and 8 weeks in physio. I have been practicing for this competition for as long as I can remember. I'm not gunna let some broken bones do that."

I just smiled and nodded my head at her confidence she has in herself and got back to stretching as does everyone else.

As much as I despise that girl, she's still a member of our team. Our team that has the best dancers on it including her.

Just as these thoughts enter my mind, coach walks into practice ready to start training but he holds up as piece of paper and clipbored first.

"Auditions are in 2 weeks! Put all of your names down and then let's get started at the bar!" He yells.

As soon as he puts the clipboard down, I run to it, wanting to be the first person that puts there name down.

Once I'm done I take my place at the bar and start training.

"Hey baby how was practice?" Jack asked, when I got through the front door to our dorm.

I went over to him and kissed him on the cheek and said. "Auditions in 2 weeks. You got a spot?"

"Of course the first one on the list."


We high-five at this and laugh.

While laughing, Luke and Beth come barging through the door.

Of course they just come barging in!

"Hey, what's up!? Did you get an audition spot!?" Luke asked us, while they nothing sit on the sofa next to me and Jack.

Me and Jack nod our head and Beth squeals.

I don't even know why I'm friends with her.

We all cover our ears at the sudden high pitched sound.

"What did you do that for? You nearly made my ears bleed!" Jack whined.

"Okay, we need to get ready right now. We have so much work to do. I've booked the studio for a day in 2 days because thats the earliest I could get meet me there!" Beth said really excited.

I guess I know what im doing for the next 14 days.

Practice, practice and more practice.

Welcome to the life of a dancer!



What do ya think my mini Ballerinas?

What do ya think of the dance routine?

What do ya think about Megan's rant about why she rants?

What do ya think is gunna happen next?

I hope you liked.

Sorry it's short.

Will update soon.

Don't forget to vote and comment.


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