Chapter 44...

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Luke's POV:

Beth, Ben, Lexi, Daisy, Jessica, Daniel and I are the 3-7 group.

Our dance is probably the best we've ever choreographed, if I say so myself.

We all worked together and it works with all our different styles.

Our dance is a mix between contemporary and bolliwood.

I know what your thinking 'really Luke? Bolliwood?'

Yes bolliwood.


"Hey" She said, in that sweet, soft tone of hers.

"Hey-y" I say back to her.


She's actually amazing. So beautiful. So sweet. So...

"Are you ready for the performance?" She asked, sitting down next to me in the dressing room. I was by myself in a both just recalling my thoughts.

"Can't wait!" I say and turn to her.

I stare into her gorgeous eyes and she stares right back.

"Do you wanna go practice our duet in it?" She asks and nods behind her to our private studio.

"Yeah sure!" I say and we stand up and go to the studio.

No one was in here so we had the whole thing to our self.

I suddenly became nervous and vulnerable with being in the same room as my crush since she came to the royal ballet.

Beth went over to the mini stereo and plugged her phone in.

I toke my jacket and shoes off and got into position.

The music blasted through the speaker and Beth did the same actions I just did.

We danced the dance that we've been choreographed. It felt like we were meant for this dance. Like this was our dance.

In every duet part, we danced like everyone was watching, going full out and not marking it like we used to.

And in that moment, right at the end when we were in our final position, so close, I knew that I had fallen for this girl even more.

But she can't know.

She can't know because I know she doesn't like me back.

And there's nothing I can do to change her mind.


"Hey Megan can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask Megan who's sat at a dressing table.

I don't know why seen as she's not going on stage any time soon.

She spun around in the chair to face me. "Sure, what's up?" She asked with a concerned smile.

I scat have the back of my neck, something did when I'm nervous or embarrassed, and bite my lip to hold back a sarcastic remark like 'the sky'.

" any chance........erm.........Beth....ever mentioned m-me?" I asked Megan and looked down in total embarrassment.

Of course she doesn't like you back idiot! What was you think?

I looked straight back up at Megan when she started to clap her hands, fidgeting like a maniac and squealing with a goofy grin on her lips.


I looked at her all confused.

She looked like a crazy seal.

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