Chapter 2...

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After struggling up the million amounts of stairs to get to my dorm, I was finally here.

Just when I was about to unlock the door, I noticed that it's already open. I open the door wider and take a peak inside.

Please be nice! Please be nice!

As I looked inside my jaw dropped down to the floor.

This is the messiest room I have ever seen in my life, and I have 2 brothers.

"What the hell!?" I screamed, frustrated about how someone is supposed to live here. You can't even see the floor.

I guess my cleaning and organising skills are going to pay off.

I walk into the horrible room. Pizza boxes everywhere. Boy clothes on the floor.

Wait boy clothes? I'm living with a boy? I hope he's cute!!

Focus Megan.

Just as them thoughts come into my head, a large muscular boy my age came running in from a different room, which I'm guessing is a bathroom. He had short brown hair into a quive and big green eyes. Around 6'2 and oddly familiar.

"Hey smeghead. Ready to live with me for 3 years!" He said. As soon as he said that I recognize him:

Jack Peacock.

My bully. My enemy. My opponent. And has been since we met in dance school 11 years ago. ( I was 6. Yes I'm 17. I know I don't act like it ) He was always the show off in dance. Yet he never has beaten me. No one has. And I'm going to keep it like that.

I groan and just stare at him as he stares back. He has changed so much. The last time I saw him was when we auditioned to get in here. That reminds me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you didn't get through the auditions?" I say.

"Well you thought wrong smeghead! And I made sure we got to share a dorm. Isn't that great?"

"Amazing! Now I can have sleepovers with the hypocrite!" I replied, sarcastically. We made these nicknames for each when we were 10 and they have stuck all these years. I really can't be bothered to deal with him. I'm already going to win so there's nothing that he can do to stop me. No distractions.

This is going to be so easy. I'll just stay in my room. Right?

"Whatever, just where's my room?" I say.

"Over there. See you for dinner. We're ordering pizza and your paying." He points to the room to my right, than walks into the front room where I could see a sofa and hear the sound of a football game, I think.

"I'm not eating with you!" I shout and walk into my room. It's quite spacious and cozy.

There's a double bed on the back wall and wardrobes on the side of it. There's a vanity desk near the door and a window at the other side of the room. There is also a massive long mirror and bar along the other wall. At least this room isn't messy!

This is going to be so much fun. Note the sarcasm...


Another chapter.

Hope you liked.

Sorry its short.

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