Chapter 33...

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Daisy's POV:


Being wheeled around while watching every do what you love to do, is not fun.

But when THE competition is right around the corner and you can't even dance...

That's even worse.

It's giving me a headache just thinking about it.

When your younger you always say you want to break your hand so you can't write at school or break your foot so you can't walk.

Well being a dancer, it requires you to move and when you break a bone, it's kind of hard to do.

But I'm grateful for still getting a spot of the team and still in some dances.

And for coach and my team having confidence in me.

Now I got to have confidence in myself.


I'm currently in physio waiting to start.

I'm not in a wheel chair anymore but I have a walking boots on.

I take the walking boot off and try to step down.

I wince at the pain that shoots through my body and lift it back up.

If I can't even put my foot down how am I going to dance?

Just as this thought came into my mind, the physicist, Danielle, came into the room.

"Stop worrying Daisy, you'll be able to dance in no time. Now let's get to work go over to the bare and I'll be there in a minute!" She demands and walks out of the door again.

Slowly but surely, I make my way to the bare.

I instantly think of all the times and memories I have had at the ballet bare, even though this isn't a ballet bare. All the routines and techniques I have had to repeat and repeat till I finally get it right and when I do I feel like a proud mother who's daughter won a gold medal in year 4 sports day in primary.

I remember teaching little Ballerinas, 5-6 year old's, how to use the bare and how it will helps in your ballet when I was just learnt how to use it myself. And when I just got on pointe at 12 years old and pulled myself up on pointe using the bare to help. Back then it felt like I was pulling myself to the top of a mountain, when in reality I'm just hurting my toes and looking a bit taller.

As these memories rush through my mind, I smile.

For the first time in a long while, I smiled.

And it reminded me why I'm here in the first place.

To get better.

So that's what I do.

I bring my healing foot onto the bare and make my other foot on the floor on an angle yet flat on the ground to stretch my legs. Something I haven't been able to do in a long while.

The memories, the times, just reminded me that I have come all this way and I'm not letting a broken foot get in my way.


Few weeks later...

I walk into studio A where team practice is with a fully healed, smiling dancer. Which is myself.

Proud, I sit down next to Megan and pull her into a hug.

She squealed in surprise yet hugged me back.

One thing I learned about Megan is that, she's always positive and confident in her words and actions. And without her motivational speeches and pep talks to me, I don't think I would have ever got through this.

Also another thing I learned about Megan, right now in fact, is that she squeezes you till you can't breath in a hug.

Note to self: prepare yourself before hugging Megan.

"I knew you could do it!" She whispers in my ear so only I can hear her.

"Thankyou! I couldn't have done it without you!" I whisper back, generally thankfull.

Me and Megan have always had our differences, but despite that we work as a good team and she will help anyone that needs it.

Including me...


Hey geeks!

Sorry for chapter 31 and 32 yesterday I don't know what happened but should be all sorted now.

I hope you liked.

What do ya think of the chapter in Daisy's POV?

She's all good now and can dance, thankfully.

What do ya think is going to happen in the competition?

Sorry it's short.

Will update soon

Don't forget to vote and comment.


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